Chapter Twenty Seven

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Andy scanned the huge yard, focusing on the large house that resembled a small prison

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Andy scanned the huge yard, focusing on the large house that resembled a small prison. It took him a moment to take in the many iron-grilled windows. He raised his gun higher, moving silently towards the back of the house. So far so good. No one had seen them move in.

He braced his back against the cool concrete wall then jerked his head to Louie who followed close behind. Louie signaled to him that he had his back covered. With a quick nod, Andy moved towards the door. He pressed his ears to steel listening for sounds or movements.

A second ticked by. No movement. The place was dead silent. Louie brushed against him and pointed his gun to the brass handle on the door. Compressing his lips, Andy tested handle then quietly turned the nub. He braced himself for some kind of resistance. When none came, and a click sounded, the door swung open easily.

Gun first, he stepped into the slightly lit room. Glancing over at Louie he saw him scouting the small room. It looked like they'd stepped into a basement. The ceiling was low. Cobwebs casting eerie shadows on the white walls. Stacks of clutter were piled almost everywhere. There was a door on the far side of the room and a short flight of steps leading straight ahead.

He stepped back to whisper to Louie just as he closed the door they'd entered with a soft click.
When Louie was close enough, he whispered. “Take that door, find Annie and my son. I’ll take the stairs.”

With a quick nod, Louie walked away.

“Good luck,” Andy said under his breath.

Andy crept slowly up the wooden stairway and it groaned under his weight. He held the brakes on his steps listening for the door ahead to come flying open. After a few seconds of waiting, he tentatively continued on his way.

Easing the door open he peered out into the brightly lit hallway. Shit. Andy jerked back almost banging his head on the wall. A cloud of dust whooshed out behind him and he waved it away, praying he wouldn't fall into a sneezing fit. Breathing slowly he pressed his back to the wall. Two men were on the opposite of each other standing guard at a door on the far side of the hallway.

You can do this. Deep breaths. Andy sucked in a deep breath and released the air slowly through his nose. Looking out this time he observed everything in his line of sight. First, he made sure the men weren’t looking his way. They were too busy passing cards to each other.

Directly in front of him was a deep maroon colored door with a huge golden lock. He could take his chances and test to see if the door would open. He had to get rid of those two.

A plan formed in his head. Risky—but definitely worth trying. Andy glanced back at the men. They were doing a Piss-poor job of looking out. The one with the huge tattoos on his arms had taken to the floor to count his winnings. Andy’s eyes moved to the other—Christ, but he was a scrawny one. His neck was overly long while his face was so narrow his bulbous eyes hardly had space to accommodate it.

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