Chapter Ten

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Andy released a frustrated sigh

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Andy released a frustrated sigh. He stared down at his son's tiny hands, clutching the baby blanket, and his heart twisted in his chest. Annie was a great mom, he was sure of that. That was another reason why he'd forced his anger away. Andy shook his head and returned his attention to Annie. "I have a friend who's looking into everything for me. Hopefully, he found something that could help us figure out who's behind this whole thing."

Annie swallowed in an effort to contain her nervousness. Ever since the near-death experience back at her apartment, she'd been on edge. "I hope so too," she managed.

"I know it's late but Gregg wants to come over and have a talk with us."


"Yes, the guy---my friend I was just telling you about. The one who's looking into things."

"Oh. But Andy, are you sure it's a great idea for---" she paused and her eyes went to Reon for a brief moment.

"Look, Annie, I trust him and when I told you earlier that I would keep both of you guys safe, I meant it."

"I know, b-but..." she trailed off.

Andy stepped closer to her and placed both of his hands on her shoulders. "Don't worry, Annie. We can trust Gregg."

Her stomach tightened with nerves, but she couldn't deny it was fear for their lives making her doubt everything.

Andy removed his hands from her shoulder and placed them back into his pockets."Gregg's actually an old friend of mine and Kyle. You remember Kyle, right? My best friend," he asked.

Oh, she remembered Kyle alright. Just thinking about him made her skin crawled in disgust. Annie never liked Kyle. And never will. He'd always made her feel uncomfortable whenever he was in the same room with her. She couldn't stand being around him. He had always had a creepy feeling about him that made her sick in the stomach. She shuddered just thinking about him. She didn't know if it was the drugs he used or the gangs he'd paraded around the neighborhood.

"Annie," Andy called softly. "I know you never liked Kyle but he's a good guy. He went through a rough patch when we were younger. But now, he's okay. I helped him through it. I also sent him to rehab. So he's clean. He's not in the country at the moment."

"Okay," she said, hoping to end the conversation.

"I will give him a call later. Maybe he could help us."

Not in a billion years---make that a trillion, Annie thought. She didn't want Kyle anywhere around her or her son.

"What time would Gregg get here?" she asked, changing the topic.

He let out a weary sigh and glanced down at his watch. "He should be here in two hours tops. You should get some rest before he comes over." He suggested; his voice quiet. "I'll wake you up when he arrives. And I'll go---"

Annie watched as he rubbed his temples as if to fight off an upcoming headache. And she released the breath she didn't know she was holding.

His gaze went to their sleeping son and an unreadable emotion clouded his face. He then shook his head and walked from the room. She watched until his retreating form disappeared.

She went to the couch, where Reon slept soundly. Drool made a thin trail down his smooth cheeks. It drew a little smile from her. As Annie lifted him from the couch, he made a small sound and his eyes flew open. She froze and his little eyes promptly closed.

When she passed Andy's bedroom she heard water running. Maybe he was taking a shower, she guessed. She pushed the door to the second bedroom. There wasn't much to look at: it had a queen sized bed in the corner. A nightstand and a door that Annie assumed led to the bathroom. She placed Reon on the bed, making sure he was secured before she went into the bathroom.

She caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror and her hand went to her lips as she recalled the kiss she and Andy had shared. It was nothing compared to the ones they'd shared in the past. Yet, her traitorous heart slammed against her chest.

She moved away from the mirror and went to do her business. She washed her hands then exited the bathroom.

Annie toed off her shoes before she climbed in next to the baby. She was too exhausted to think about anything else. She fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

Annie woke to voices and panic clawed at her throat. Her hand went to where her son slept, but her baby was gone. She sprang up and her wide eyes scanned her surroundings. She breathed slowly, trying to suppress the panic attack creeping up on her. Andy wouldn't let anything happened to their son. She trusted him with their lives. What if she was wrong? What if---


She whirled around only to see Andy walking into the room carrying Reon in his arms.

"He woke up and I decided to pick him up and let you have some rest.  I hope that's okay with you?" his voice somewhat hesitant.

Annie resisted the urge to place her trembling hand over her heart. "No---yes, it's okay. I just got a little scared when I didn't see him on the bed," she said

An unidentified expression appeared on his face, but he blinked and it was gone.

"Gregg's here."

She climbed off of the bed, keeping her trembling hands clenched. Reon let out a loud squeal when Andy tickled him under the chin. Oh, how he looked so much like his father. Tears brimmed her eyes and she swallowed hard.

"O-okay I'm coming," she said blinking away the tears before Andy could see them. She went into the bathroom to freshen up a bit. And when she came out, Andy was waiting at the door for her.

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