Chapter Twenty Four

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That annoying sound was about to send Annie raging mad. She shoved shaking fingers through her hair only to wince in pain. “Ow!”

Where in the hell was the sound coming from?

Jumping to her feet for the hundredth time for the day, she paced. “Hours!” she spat. “I’ve been in this hellhole for hours!” Her blistered feet ate the floor as she paced faster—potentially making the bruises even worse. She cast a disgusted look at the food those bastards slid under her door.

“What did they take her for? A dog?”

Green mashed potatoes. What the hell was that? Who in their right senses adds food coloring to mash? And don’t let her get started on the chicken. If she looked closer, she could still see the white feathers on the wing. Utterly disgusting. The gravy was an unhealthy shade of grey-black.

Annie jerked her gaze away from the hot plate of mess. One spoon of that crap and she would be on the toilet with explosive diarrhea.

You should be grateful instead of talking to yourself.

Releasing pent up breaths, she clasped her hands behind her head and looked up at the ceiling. Yes—she should be grateful. At least they’d sent bottled water and a tiny jar of baby food. Thank God the seals were intact. Her stomach growled.

Gosh, she was hungry. That water did nothing to subdue that hungry monster in her stomach. Keep it together. You’re strong enough. Reon’s depending on you. That mantra was the only thing keeping her from screaming her head off.

Mama?” Reon called from the bed.

Squeezing her eyes close, she dragged her hands down her face before answering. “Yes, baby?” She opened her eyes and smiled at her sweet baby son.

He bounced on his knees and squealed, reaching out his little arms for her. She walked back to the bed and took Reon into arms. Annie laughed when the diaper slipped down his legs. The thing was two sizes too big. Whoever bought them misjudged Reon’s size.

Sitting back on the bed, she adjusted him in her arms then pulled the diaper over his navel and folded the top down. She cocked her head to the side and admired her handy work.  Reon giggled.

“Well, little man, congrats, you’re officially wearing adult pull-ups.”

Minutes ticked by and pieces of Annie’s sanity went along with every second. She had to find a way out. As for how—she didn’t know.

Her eyes went to the tiny window then to the door. She’d tried the door multiple times, but they'd locked it. Obviously. Maybe she could try it again.

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