Chapter Seven

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He regretted those words as soon as it left his lips

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He regretted those words as soon as it left his lips. That was none of his business. "I'm---"

"I'm not married," Annie said before he could say anything else. Guilt descended on her, weighing down her shoulders with the heavy burden of it she already carried.

Andy sighed. He was touching her again, his hand on her shoulder. He led her toward the chair. It was wide and low, and as she sank onto it, she felt as comfortable as if she was laying on a mattress. He stepped back from her and sat on the couch opposite her.

The statement hung in the charged air between them. No one said anything. He turned toward her, his eyes intense as he stared at her.

"Are you okay?" he asked, his deep voice full of concern. "You're safe here," he assured her. "You can trust me, Annie. I'm keeping you and your son safe until we find out who's trying to kill you. I can't let you or Reon out of my sight."

She expelled a ragged breath, letting her doubts and fears of Andy go with the air from lungs. "I-I'm fine," she whispered. "I'm just overwhelmed."

"So," he paused for a second. "Who is his father?" Andy knew he was being invasive but he couldn't help himself, he had to know.

Tell him before it's too late. Annie swallowed hard, choking on panic she felt thinking of telling him the truth. Trying to hold the tears at bay, she croaked out, "I-I-I t-tried to tell you," she stammered.

Andy gave her a look that could cut glass and she flinched. The pupils of his eyes dilated, and his chest---massive chest heaved as he drew in a breath. "What exactly are you trying to say to me, Annie?" he hissed.

She heard the anger in his voice. Had she been wrong about him all these years? Had she kept him from his son for no reason? Like the coward she was, she planned to put off that revelation as long as she possibly could. Hot water didn't begin to describe what Andy would throw at her when he found out he was Reon's father. Annie remembered every pain driven detail of that fateful night. And so she told him everything.


"What do you mean you're here to see Andy?" his mother asked, looking at Annie as if she disgusted her. "I told Andy not to let the women he slept with show up here."

Feeling like a vise was squeezing her heart. Annie said, "I'm not just some woman; I'm Andy's girlfriend."

His mother let out a cracking laugh far worse than the wicked witch from the east. Annie cringed at the sound.

"Girlfriend! That's rich coming from someone with the likes of you. You poor little trailer trash. I'm sorry for you because Andy's engaged.

That couldn't be true, Andy would never do that to her. She felt the hold on her heart tightening.

Andy couldn't believe his ears. He watched the devastation on her face while she spoke to him. Her eyes brimmed with tears. She was facing him and yet it didn't seem like she was seeing him. He still didn't know what she was trying to tell him. He knew his mother was harsh in her ways and didn't care about a person's feelings. That was why he never took her home to meet his parents. He was waiting for the right time. But why would she lie about him being engaged? She knew he had a girlfriend.

Annie's next words put an end to his neverending thoughts. "Then your mother took her phone from her purse and showed me pictures of you and a woman. The woman that you were supposedly engaged to."

"What!" Andy leaped from the couch. "That's impossible, I---"

Annie ignored his outburst and continued talking. "Your arm was around her shoulders and she had her head in the crook of your neck." She remembered how they looked like the perfect couple. They were both smiling. She remembered asking herself; how could that be? Andy was her heart and soul. How could he be with another woman when he claimed he loved her.


She didn't give him a chance to speak. She had to get this over with. "I was so angry and hurt, I didn't even realize I was speaking everything out loud. I blurted out that I was pregnant with your baby, " she whispered. And what made me conscious that I said that out loud: it was your mother's scream. Your father must have heard her because he came out." Annie swiped the tears from her cheeks and told him what happened.


"Andy wouldn't even think of sleeping in the same bed with you much less get you pregnant," his mother hissed.

She had tuned out the rest of what his mother was saying. Her thoughts had bombarded her mind. Andy couldn't do this to her. Please God no. She felt drained and heartbroken.

"If you don't believe, take a look in there," his mother said breaking through her thoughts.

When she turned to look where his mother pointed, her breath hitched. There was Andy, with the same woman in the picture. If she thought her heart couldn't break anymore, she was mistaken, it turned to dust. She couldn't feel it beating anymore, she was numb all over. He let out a laugh when the woman whispered something in his ears.

That same moment his father walked to the door. "What's going on honey?" he asked his wife.

"This girl here claims she's Andy's girlfriend. And she's pregnant."

"Oh, she's not the first girl to show up here claiming that nonsense. Give her some money to get rid of it. That's all they always want anyway." His booming voice echoing. He didn't even look in her direction.

Andy shoved his hand through his hair and paced restlessly. She kept his son from him. Oh God, Reon was his son. He squeezed his eyes closed as his thoughts threatened to overcome him. His head pounded, tension throbbing at his temples and at the base of his skull. Annie's next words pierced his head and ignited his anger."

"So, yes Andy; you are his father," her voice low and cold.

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