Chapter Twelve

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Andy remembered the screaming

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Andy remembered the screaming. Gunshots. The screeching of tires. And he winced. He dug his nails into the steering wheel to quell the urge to turn back.

The fact that Annie and their son was alone was enough to bring him to his knees. He knew they were safe, but he couldn't stop his restlessness. His legs shook with it. Despite the shaking, he pressed harder on the accelerator, hurrying to get to the office then back to his family. The word family was bitter-sweet in his mind. An image of her beautiful face flashed into his mind.

Andy's heart clutched with something he couldn't distinguish. Although it was nice to feel something other than fear and desperation, he doubted Annie still loved him. They were over. His body needed to freakin' remember that. He had often wondered, over the past few years what his life would be like if she hadn't left him. He'd fantasized over what they could have had together if only she'd stayed with him.

Andy pulled the SUV into the darkened parking lot. He opened the door and stepped out, leaving the keys dangling from the ignition. Shadows move across the parking lot where only five vehicles were parked. Andy knew one of them was his business partner but the rest must have belonged to upper management, he thought. It was eerily silent. As if the parking lot itself was hiding from something threatening.  

He frowned and rubbed his whiskered cheeks. There was no parking attendant which was strange. Panic clutched at his chest as different scenarios filtered through his mind. Jesus. What the hell's wrong with him? It's probably nothing and here he was; jumpy like a calf on display.

Andy closed his eyes, pinched the bridge of his nose to stop the uneasiness assaulting him. Now wasn't the time for that. He shook his head, willing himself to be calm. A deep throbbing took root in his chest. What if he couldn't protect them? Clenching his fist, he tried to ignore the attack of nerves and emotions. He had to be strong for Annie and their son.

Lost in his thoughts Andy didn't hear footsteps coming up behind him, by the time he could turn, a bat came crashing down on his shoulder knocking him off balance. His ankle twisted and he stumbled, but he didn't go down. The pain in his shoulder was blinding and so sharp he feared his attacker had broken something.

He gritted his teeth against the pain and whirled around. This time he saw the bat coming down. He grabbed for the attacker's wrist with his uninjured hand and missed. The bat came down hard on his leg with a loud thwack. Pain rocketed through him and he saw stars.

Andy wrenched himself back with all his might and grabbed the bat. He twisted it with everything he had, ignoring his own pain. But that wasn't enough, he was in an awkward position so he had to let go. He lost his balance and fell to the ground. His injured shoulder taking the brunt of the impact. He cried out, but that didn't stop him from getting up again.

Andy grunted as his throbbing leg took his weight. When he faced his attacker, he realized it was a man dressed in all black. Pitch-black hair slicked back. Large midnight eyes eyeing him from head to toe. The man growled and rushed with the bat over his head. Andy's hand shot out in a flash, striking his attacker in his chest. The man stumbled back a few spaces, dropped the bat and clutched at his chest.

Andy used the opportunity to grab his gun from under the driver's seat. He walked up to the man and placed the gun to his attacker's temple. "Who are you? Who sent you?"

The man laughed low and deep. He turned his head and looked at Andy. His expression was colder than ice. His nostrils flared. "You have two days to put the money into the account or else your woman and baby will die. This is just a warning."

Andy jammed the gun harder into his head and the man winced. "Who sent you? Answer me now, or so help me God, I would put so many bullets in your head, you would be shitting bullets for a week," Andy shouted.

That only seemed to amuse the man because he laughed out loud. "Do it! You can't hide. We know where your son and his mother are now. Put the money in the account, Andy or you will regret it."

The more the man spoke, the angrier Andy got. His body shook in rage. "How did you know my name?"

"Ah, we know everything. So if you go to the police..." the man trailed off.

Before Andy could answer, gunshots rang out. It sent him diving behind the vehicle. Shots were coming from every direction. He covered his head and stayed low. A bang and the scuffle of footsteps confirmed his attacker had gotten away. Andy peered around the vehicle. He saw the man ducking between vehicles. Shit!

Tires screeched in the distance when he heard a door slammed shut. And then the gunfire ceased. Sweat coated his forehead and ran down his aching back. Andy eased himself into a sitting position and leaned his head on his vehicle. His body hurt so much he was immobilized. His shoulder and left leg pulsed in deep pain.

He breathed in then out several times to control the pain. That didn't seem to help. His body ached something fierce. He squeezed his eyes closed, knowing he had to move. But his body wouldn't cooperate.

Andy lost track of the time passed. Groaning, gritting his teeth, he eased himself up with the help of the SUV. His eyes scanned the parking lot to make he wouldn't get attacked again. With two steady breaths, he limped towards the driver's door and climbed in the best way he could.


Tell me what you guys think in the comments. Thank you:)

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