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He was gone by the time I got out of the shower and my heart sank a little, knowing that I'd probably never see him again.

The rain was still pounding outside and I cleaned up the wet floor in the entry then threw my clothes in the washer, but none of these mundane tasks were taking my mind off of him.

I stalked over to the couch, flipping on the TV and scrolling through the channels absentmindedly.

Then I heard the purr of an engine rev into the driveway and I popped up, rushing to the door and seeing the flash of headlights. He was back!

I unlocked it before rushing to my room and hopping onto the bed, giving my best seductive pose.

Then the knock hit the door and I felt my stomach drop with anticipation. "Come in!"


Grant's voice echoed through the house and I jumped, falling right off the bed.


"Umm.. in here sweetie." I pulled myself up just as he walked in.

"Hey, sorry I bailed on you Saturday," he apologized as he walked across the room, bending down to the pile of mail on the floor.

"Just leave it sweetie," I insisted, waving him away. There was who-knows-what everywhere from my wild last few days.

"What's this?" He mumbled as he grabbed for something then waved a wallet up in his hand.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

He flung it open, furrowing his brow. "Gavin Romano."

Shit!! "Oh..oh..y..yeah," I stammered. Shit. Shit. Shit. "I found that in the garage. I.. I wanted to give it to you Saturday."

"Cool, I'll give it to him tomorrow. You could have text me that you found it you know."

"Slipped my mind," I shrugged, mentally banging my head against the wall. This is exactly what I was afraid of! What if it had been Gavin that Grant had found.

"Anyway, wanna go grab dinner?"

"Sure!" Getting out of here was a good idea. I quickly grabbed a jacket and my rain boots. "Where to?"

I walked towards the front door, trying to calm my nerves and remain casual as I popped my umbrella up before running to my car.

"How about the cafe next to campus? It's pretty crazy out here so I'd rather stay close," he shrugged, shaking out his wet hair.

"Sounds good sweetie!" I wasn't even hungry after all that barbecue earlier but I'd take any time I could get with him.

We made the short drive over and I parked on the street before we jumped out, running to get under the awning.

"Two," Grant called to the hostess and she grabbed some menus before turning to escort us to our table.

"Glad I brought that wallet," Grant laughed over his shoulder back to me.


"Gavin!" He shouted, veering away from the hostess.

No. Oh my god. I froze for a moment, watching as he approached a table. Then seeing Gavin and what appeared to be Gavin's date and two other guys.

I followed behind him, not wanting Grant to sense anything weird and Gavin's eyes met mine for a split second before lowering them to the table.

I couldn't help looking at the girl at his side, meeting her smile then watching as she started caressing his arm. Oh my god.

He was just with me hours ago, literally just hours ago. I don't know why it felt like I was being gutted. What did I honestly expect. He said he wouldn't hit it and quit it and he didn't. He stuck around a little longer. And what was I expecting anyways... well maybe that he wasn't doing two women at once. Ugh. I felt sick.

Grant waved the wallet over to Gavin. "My mom found it in the garage," he smiled, gesturing back to me and I felt the hot flush burning my cheeks.

"Dude! That's your mom? She's hot!" One of the guys remarked.

"So I've heard," Grant grumbled and I sank back behind him.

"You single?" The other obnoxious guy grinned as Gavin rolled his eyes.

"How desperate are you two?" Gavin chuckled.

Desperate... ouch. "Grant," I whispered, tugging at his arm. "We should go."

He gave the table a wave goodbye as I turned back to the hostess, apologizing and following her back.

I took my seat in the booth across from Grant, feeling someone glaring at me and I turned to meet his eyes.

He didn't smile back, nothing, just stared a second more before turning back to the girl at his side. What the hell was that.

Grant mentioned something about his classes but I was too distracted by the jerk sitting across the room. I was finally with my son and I couldn't even concentrate on him.

The waitress delivered our food and I stabbed at it angrily with my fork before boxing it all up to take home. Then she dropped the bill and I stormed off to the front to pay.


Gavin called from behind us and I tried to keep walking but Grant stopped in front of me.

"Thanks for this," he smiled to Grant, then to me.

"Now you can pay for your date's dinner," I snapped.

"Jeez mom," Grant laughed and I grabbed him, pushing the cafe door open into the pouring rain as I rushed us to the car.

"Try to be nice to my friends mom, especially him!"


"He's a senior and a very popular one."

"Yeah, I see that," I grumbled as I started the engine and drove back home.

How had I made such a bad decision. Gavin probably had some weird MILF fantasy and I was easy enough to indulge him. He was probably back there telling the table about me, what an easy score I was, and I freaking paid for his lunch.

But I didn't even give him my phone number, so what did I care if he was out with another girl. He was a college kid... I shouldn't care.

Incidental Fate Book 1Where stories live. Discover now