12- Voyage

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"Gods, it's freezing." I said as I rubbed my arms. We were all wearing winter clothing but that didn't change the fact that it was cold out.

"It's been a whole year and I don't ever think I'll get used to you saying Gods and not God." Landon said as he walked around in a black T-shirt and jeans. I guess when your insides are literally fire you don't need winter clothes.

"Hey, why don't you put on a coat so you don't draw attention to yourself, Fire boy." Raf laughed tossing him a coat.

We laughed as we entered the marina where a multitude of boats were tied up, there was one very large ship at the end of the dock called the Argo. That was the boat we'd be taking to Paamiut which was at least a three day trip. The boat looked like a wreck and that it hadn't been used in years.

"That things going to get us to Greenland?" Rafael whispered.

"We're here for our ride to Paamiut, Greenland." Olivia told the man showing him the tickets we bought online.

"Sorry kids, no can do." The man said shaking his head. "There's a blizzard on the way, we'll leave first thing tomorrow morning."

I cursed at myself. I knew who was behind the blizzard trying to stall us. She wouldn't show herself, we were too powerful for her but that didn't mean she wouldn't slow our trip.

I shook my head.

"What's your name sir?" I asked the captain.

He looked at me. "My name is Jason."

I leaned around him and looked at the side of the boat. Jason and the Argo. I knew something was strange.

Olivia gripped my arm. "Come on, Achilles we'll wait until morning."

I shook my head. "No, we'll leave today." I said not taking my eyes off of Jason's.

He stepped forward. "And just who do you think you are?" He growled at me.

Honestly, it was kind of intimidating. The man who went in search for the Golden Fleece with Heracles by his side was bearing down on me.

I stood my ground.

"My name is Achilles Walker, Son of Zeus."

His eyes widened and he backed down.

"So the legends are true." He whispered. "Did you really send Thanatos to Tartarus?"

I nodded. "We're on demigod business and we need safe voyage to Greenland. As the grandson of Hermes, I'm assuming you know the way."

He nodded. "Very well." He said snapping his fingers. His boat changed form until it was a beautiful marble and gold color that was made from the most expensive materials.

"I changed my mind. " Rafael said as we all looked at the ship in awe.

Jason showed us around the boat, where the rooms were and everything before we set sail across the Davis Strait.

"If I'm going to be honest with you about one thing Son of Zeus." Jason said as he put the boat on a course. "It's that sailing the Arctic Ocean is so much nicer than sailing the Mediterranean Sea."

I chuckled. "I would assume so, I'm guessing the monster ratio is significantly smaller."

We sat in silence for awhile.

"You've alive along time Jason." I said to him.

He nodded. "After my quest with the Argonauts, Zeus made me partial immortal so that I may help demigods with their quests."

"Partially immortal?" I asked.

"I can be killed but sickness and age I'm immortal too." Jason said to me shrugging. "I've only had one other demigod who needed help across this strait."

"How long ago was this?" I asked him.

"Ah a few days ago, give or take."

My stomach tied itself in a knot around my intestines.

"Who was it?" I questioned.

"Said he was a son of Hades, Jack Quincy."

"Shit." I cursed.

"Take it you're not a fan?" He asked me.

"He's working with Cronus and the Titans." I said as I headed out of the bridge of the ship.

Jason eyes exploded. "Oh no."

"How quick can the Argo switch routes?" I asked Jason.

"It's a mythological ship. What do you think?" He asked me sarcastically.

"Jack's been keeping tabs on us, he knows where we're headed. Keep your head on a swivel the next few days until we find out where we're headed."

"Alright guys, we have a problem." I said entering the boats library where everyone was lounging at a table.

Olivia sat up straight while the others continued relaxed. "What's up?"

"Jack knows where we're going, he must've been in the school. Jason said he dropped him off on Paamiut a few days ago." I said to the team.

Olivia's face went pale, she went through a nightmare last time she came into contact with him.

"What's the plan?" Rafael asked.

"Right now we are currently sitting in one of the best mythological libraries the world has to offer." I said examining the walls that were filled with books upon books of ancient texts and artificers.

I nodded at Olivia to continue for me.

"Search for anything on a legendary Viking warriors and ancient necklaces that had the power to open rifts or portals." She finished for me.

"We need to find this as soon as possible so that we can change course and get ahead of Jack."

I saw Olivia's face fall again at the mention of Jack.

"Olivia, can I speak with you?" I asked her.

She nodded and followed me onto the stern of the Argo.

I sent another quick prayer to Poseidon for him not to smite me as I was sailing through his domain.

"What's up?" Olivia asked as her hair blew in the wind and her hands gripped the railing.

"Are you sure you're up for this?" I asked her.

"The quest?"

"No, it's inevitable that we're going to come face to face with Jack again."

She took a deep breath before she nodded.

"Yeah, I'll think I'll be okay besides even if I'm not you'll be right there to save me again." She said winking at me.

I chuckled.

"Alright, I'm going to in and help the others look. You got get some sleep and see if anything comes to you in a dream."

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