The Kagari's

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No one really knows who Atsuko Kagari really is, the only thing we know is that she comes from a nonwitch family from Japan. Kagari's, the Japanese leader has known the Kagari's for many years and let just say the Kagari's live in a part of Japan that is off the map, they don't really welcome strangers, it a village/kingdom not so big, but the enough that everyone their knows each other quite well the Kagari's are what you can call the leaders of the village they make the rules and are very rich, I'm talking billions, because not only do they run the village, but they also run a very successful Tec company, the Kagari's are Lord Kyo he is the first born so he inherited the title, and he married Lady Lin who is the most beautiful of everyone in the village, then there is the eldest son Aki first born to the Kagari 15 years old and their youngest Rin 2 years old, cute little kid looks like her mother and the eldest of the Kagari's Lady Umi, and last second born son brother to the lord Ken Kagari, and his family are consider branch family, but they help out when need to the lord and his brother have a tight relationship with each other, the Kagari's were not just Tec's they were also Japans secret weapon, the Kagari's born warrior's that have a long line of history protecting Japan by going on missions, although its peaceful right now so their is no need for fighting a lot, they deal with supernatural problems, while also keeping the Tec compony running. As for Akko well Akko is actually the Adopted child of the Kagari's they adopted her at age 5, they met after a trouble she had gotten into when she was with a crew of trouble makers called the Shadow Pack...

Lord Kyo Kagari, Lady Lin Kagari (Parents)

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Lord Kyo Kagari, Lady Lin Kagari (Parents)

Lord Kyo Kagari, Lady Lin Kagari (Parents)

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Lady Umi Kagari (Grandmother)

Ken Kagari (Lord Kyo's younger brother)

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Ken Kagari (Lord Kyo's younger brother)

Aki Kagari (Lord Kyo's first born future lord of the village)

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Aki Kagari (Lord Kyo's first born future lord of the village)

Aki Kagari (Lord Kyo's first born future lord of the village)

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Rin ( youngest daughter of Kagari's) 

Rin ( youngest daughter of Kagari's) 

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Atsuko Kagari ( Adopted Daughter)

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