Part 4

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This chapter is same time as last one although we are now at the Kagari Village

The village is getting ready for a celebration and the revealing of the new artifact that will be display tomorrow as the village gets ready lord Kyo, his son and brother are in a meeting with others who will be in charge of security considering that this artifact coming is very dangerous if it fall into the wrong hand...

Lord Kyo: "Now everyone this is of most important we must make sure the artifact arrives here safe and sound, I will have my son and a few shinobis escort the car carrying the artifact we must make sure no one interrupts the transport understand Aki"

Aki: "I understand father I will not fail on my mission"

Lord Kyo: "Good now then my brother you will take some of your mean and make sure to secure every part of the museum to make sure if any suspicious people arrive keep close eyes any use any means necessary"

Ken: "I understand brother I will get the best to secure the museum"

Lord Kyo: "There are a lot of criminals out there that are dangerous so far all we know is most of them are just normal average criminal, except for the new group called the Shadow Pack not much is known about them only that they have accomplish to steal a lot and rob banks without leaving much trace so they will be our number one to keep an eye out for"

Aki: "I don't think they would be much trouble father; we are strong Kagari's and with the help of the other clans' abilities to sense abnormal we should be in the clear right"

Lord Kyo: "You have a lot to learn my son, listen everyone this new crew is not to take lightly, that fact of the matter is we do not have enough information, until now, come in"

A man in black cloche appears in front of them and bows before speaking

Cloche Man: "Hello everyone it is good to meet all of you, and it is as Lord Kyo say's I have information on this group that I gather in my travels, and I learn that they are young crew of criminals, what I could gather is that they wear mask to hid their faces, but they have skills that are not normal, this info comes from witness that have suffer by their hands, they have killed and have stolen there is one thing though, that might help you, one guy told me before he died from their last criminal act is that one of them had a tattoo of and dragon and wolf and that it glows, but the most terrifying thing I heard from the dying man was they were surrounded my black mist and that was it, I am here to warn all of you not to take them lightly and that is all I have to inform you all"

Lord Kyo: "Thank you now you may leave and receive you pay outside; this will be enough for now take care"

The Cloche man leaves, and they have one last discussion...

Aki: "Father how can we trust his words, what if he is lying to us"

Lord Kyo: "I understand yours and everyone's concern, but we must take his words even if it may be a lie, now that we know a bit more we will need our sensors on high alert I will have my wife have the animals patrol the area just in case if his info is correct we will be dealing with abnormal criminals and last but not least be on guard at all time we will not fail now everyone off to your duties and enjoy the rest of your day meeting over"

After the meeting everyone heads back home, Lord Kyo and Aki arrive home to be greeted by Lady Lin and Little lady Rin they gather at the table with Old lady Umi at the same time and discuss about what is going to happen tomorrow

Lord Kyo: "So how was your lady's day"

Lady Lin: "It was a lovely day me and your mother have been practicing our powers, and as we were outside I heard from one of the birds that there is strange aura, dark aura outside the village and that there is another with abilities and it is causing most of the animals to fear"

Lord Kyo: "Did they give you any more information we can use"

Lady Lin: "Only that the one with the dark aura and abilities is in human form, I also asked about the location, but the bird did not say much it seemed like it was scared and only said that it live in here in Japan, but as far as the bird knows this new ability user does not harm them the animals I mean, which is good for us if you are planning on stopping them is which I can sense you want to do?"

Lord Kyo: "You always knew me, yes we also had someone come in with almost the same information except that it was not only one but more humans with abilities, and that they are young, how young I do not know, but they have killed and have not much information on them with all this information we can conclude that The Shadow Pack are a group of youngsters that have abilities that wear mask to hid their face, and that they have a tattoo mark on their arms of a dragon and wolf"

Aki: "If I may speak father, I still feel off about the man you brought in with you even if the information is close on the dot with mothers, I still get an odd feeling from him"

Lord Kyo: "I am glade you wits are still good, but for now let us concern ourselves with the chance of criminals coming after the artifact and the chance for us to finally meet these new group called the Shadow Pack, it is time we put an end to them just like the others and as for you my lovely wife I want you to get the animals to keep an eye out for suspicions people and to not kill them until we give orders, and mother I am sure you have the barrier harden for tomorrow?"

Both Lady Lin and Umi nod their heads

Lady Lin: "Alright now everyone eat before the food gets cold and get ready for tomorrow, remember we must stay safe at all cost"

The 2-year Rin walks to her mom, Lady Lin carries her ad sits her on her baby seat to feed her as well...

Lady Lin: "Awe my cute little Rin one day you will join us, but for now you will stay home with your grandmother"

Lady Lin feeds her food and little Rin laughs she has the cutes smile and when everyone finish eating, they all head to bed preparing for tomorrow...

Outside of the village the Cloche man watches how everyone plans for things, when he gets a call...

Phone Stanger: "Boss we have everything on our end covered The Shadow Pack will be going to the Village"

Cloche Man: "Well done, Oh how I love faith, lets see how the Kagari Village will deal with fresh blood, and our little demon that escape will now be release to destroy, be ready Kagari's because you are in for a huge surprise, the rain of the Kagari's will fall and all other Clans in the world will fall as well"

The cloche man hangs up the phone and walks away with an evil smirk and an evil laugh

Who is this stranger and what has he planned well have to wait and see...

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