Shadow Pack

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Atsuko was only 2 when she got to the orphanage, some stranger brought her and left her at the orphanage, she did not talk, nor nothing she look like she had no light at all no emotion, well that is until this girl name Mitski came along they were both 3 when they met, and they were really close though Akko still did not talk to anyone she would whisper into Mitski's ear and she would talk for her, things were well in the at first until Akko reached age 4 and she started acting strange, on day an orphan name Sai and the two other teens were walking the streets when they came to an alley and saw that three big guys were talking with Akko and Mitski, Mitski was behind Akko scared they could not tell weather Akko was scared or not because she showed no emotion, then one guy grabs Akko and throughs her to the wall and as they were about to grab Mitski, the teens saw a dark mist surround Akko's body, and she got up, but her eyes were pure red like a demon she had fangs and the mist had a shape of what look like a dragon mix with wolf, the guys turn around and in a blink of any eye the three guys were on the ground bleeding and lifeless, the teens looked at what had happen the other two were scared, but Sai just smiled and walks out of hiding and faces Akko, they look straight into each other's eyes and just when it seems Akko is going to attack Mitski run and hugs Akko from the back and say's something to her that relaxed Akko and the mist disappeared and Akko was back to normal and still looking at Sai, he tells Akko that he is not here to hurt her or Mitski, but to ask them to join their crew of trouble makers and he held his hand out to Akko, the two kids look at each other, Mitski a little not sure, but Mitski though young was bright as was Akko and they both knew that they would not make it far on their own and its not like they were treated well at the orphanage, people would adopt other kids, but every time Akko or Mitski had a chance Mitski would refuse because she did not want to leave Akko alone in the orphanage, and Akko well even if she was a smart kid she had this aura that the adopters were just scared to get near her, and they both were normally look as not worth nothing, so taking the hand of Sai seemed like the only option since they were tired of being a lone, and that gave Mitski a chance to hold less worry for Akko who she truly cared for. A month after getting settle with the gang of trouble makers, the kids and teens are at the orphanage in Akko's room playing shiny chariot cards that belong to Mitski, when there is knock on the door the head of the orphanage calls the two kids out and tell them to wait in the living room, the head brings in a couple they look friendly, but both kids knew something was off after they came in they left and then the head comes back and takes Mitski out the door, but before she could Akko stands in the front blocking the exist the head calls in for a nurse that comes in with a tranquilizer needle and Akko falls to the ground they carry her away to her room as her eyes close she could burly hear, but could see Mitski's tears that was the last time Akko saw her, she woke up and her friends were around her Akko gets up and looks around Sai hold her shoulder and tells her she is gone, Akko was depress she did not come out of her room for two weeks, but finally Sai got her to get out, and that he would help find Mitski for her, if she sticks with the crew, Akko hated being without Mitski, but is she has a chance to see her she would. Spend most of her 4 year old life causing trouble, learning to fight, steal and other things with time the crew got the reap of the Shadow Pack, they were robbing banks and doing things that you could only think of even killed since Sai decided to have Akko use her power telling her that it was the best way for her to train and it helped with time Akko had the hang of most of her ability, but something still stick into Akko's mind Mitski, she had to find her, but time goes by and nothing they are just in Japan causing trouble, they were well known that they had a bounty on their heads, though no one knew who they were because they would wear mask's and with Akko's powers, they were unstoppable. Akko was now 5 years old and had the nick name the shadow demon youngest in the crew, Sai was 17 and is leader of the crew, which now held up to 10 orphans. Sai, Nim, and Reo were the eldest, Nim 15, and Reo 16, the others were two twins boy's name Neo, and Tyo both 10 years, two more twins girls this time name Lily, and Mel both 11 years old, then 8 year old Ti, and 7 year old Grim Akko left with the teens and others to set base in an place no one in Japan dares to go, part of history Hiroshima well the part were people avoid because they think its radioactive, and there are monster, which the monster part is real thanks to Akko's ...

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