Part 14

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This part of the story begins after the missile accident and the gang had just save the world and brought magic back also Akko learn to fly as well how exciting is that, I wonder what happen next let's start the story...


It has pass a week since got finally learn to fly, through out her time in Luna Nova Akko behave the opposite of who she was once, and to be honest even if she was the brightest in Japan she had decided to not be a prodigy she want a fresh start and boy did she through her time in Luna Nova there is something Akko did that she might regret after this...Akko got woken up by Lotte as always and they headed to class they only had one week left before vacation start Akko was excited but nervous at the same time, of course she did her beast to keep contact with her family, but since the school does not allow phone or computers and the school was old fashion Akko had to wait to talk when ever she went to the city, although when she did she would go a lone to speak with them, she was still afraid to tell her knew friends who se really is, she was starting to enjoy it, and after the battle she broke one of her promises of staying safe which she knew her grandmother and the others are going to get at her for that, but she was also happy that she was able to regain her powers thanks to her and her friends she got to do everything except for one thing and that is finding her brother, so now we have Akko in her class trying to stay awake...

Akko POV

Dam class is so long I am so glade we only have one 5 more days until vacation, well 4 if you include today, I miss my family they must be worried, mad and all the emotion you can imagin, but they will be happy I got my powers back right huh...I close my eyes and ended up in my mind were I saw both my spirits with full energy...

Tracker: "Finally it feels good to have power again thank kid, all that we went through, and we finally return to our glory"

Shedder: "You got that right so kid when would be able to use our powers again?"

Akko: "You two seriously need to chill, if you have not notice I have been doing more of the work here while you two watch you can a least help by giving me a bit of energy to survive class for 4 days and when we get back we can go wild and use out powers happy"

They nod their heads and I slowly open my eyes only to hear the bell ring and seeing Lotte waking me up...

Lotte: "Really Akko what were you doing last night that you had to fall asleep in class, forget it lets just go to lunch..."

I get up and head to the cafeteria were my friend were waiting get my food, then sat on my seat and put my head down, I seriously spend most of my time worrying about what my grandmother and the other are going to do, if people here saw me save the world they must have to, and if they did see it I am so dead...I sigh deeply getting everyone's attention

Hana: "You ok Akko you look like you did not get a single bit of sleep and that's is even more than your usual self..."

Amanda: "I hate to say it, but princess their has a point, what's up Akko to excited for vacation, is their perhaps something good happening"

I really did not want to say anything, but without thinking I said a few things that I wish I did not...

Akko: "No I am scared to go home; I might get killed if anything"

After saying that I put my head up and saw everyone expression of worries

Akko: "Sorry I mean it figuratively, let just say I might have upset my family, it's a long story, short version is I am going to be grounded or worse, I really broke a lot of promises I hope they can forgive me, I am a terrible daughter"

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