Part 29

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Akko POV

I open my eyes and try to get off of bed, but I remember Diana was behind me hugging me, I try to get out, but she pulls me back in I just sigh and think about not I still have to get through this day without being able to have sex, and I know if I turn around she will get mad, I try to close my eyes before she kisses my cheek and says morning, I so badly wanted to kiss her, but she got off bed and was walking to the door, dam was she walking so sexy that I hated myself right now being punish really suck...she closes the door and I fall onto my bed I roll around in anger with a pillow in my face, I roll to much and fall on the floor I hit my head a little, Dam it hurts, I get up and rub the back of my head and got up stretching, but with pain since the fall, I get dress, I put on some black fitted jeans with a white long sleeve shirt and original hair style, of course before I left the village I changed back to my original look and my ears and tail were gone, for how long who knows, I know I should be me, but baby steps everyone was fine with it, so their was no problem...I get out of my room and head down as I do I could hear talking I knew those voices any were, snake lady basically her aunt Daryl her daughters, I walk down and Mia appears from behind me and scares me making me trip on a step as ii fall I did a front flip and landed on my feet thank you animal powers that was close, sadly Diana saw and ran to me worried look at me if their was any scratches, I look up and glare at Mia...

Mia: "My deepest apologies young prince, I did not mean to startle you like that, but excellent form and landing"

Diana: "I am glad you are ok, you had me worried there for a while, I do not know what I would have done if something happens"

She says and she uses her hand to check me for any injuries...

Akko: "I am fine Diana, and sorry for scaring you, also I would like to give you thanks for letting me stay Ms. Cavendish"

Daryl: "Did she just call you young prince?"

I face palm myself, the last thing I need is to explain and I was planning to take it steady and slow, I was about to say something to lie, but Diana spoke and ii was shock at what she said...

Diana: "Yes aunt, Akko is royalty I her homelands, but I will explain more in the dinning room while we eat our breakfast now then let's all go sit down"

Diana and her aunt sit in the middle of the table, while I sit on her right side and Mia on the left while the other two were on each side of their mother...After we are done eating Diana and me explain the events that happen during our time in Japan, while Mia explain the prince part...

Daryl: "Well forgive me for my rudeness on the first day we met, but I am impressing that you would keep this quiet, how come hide who you are?"

Akko: 'Well first the time I spent as an orphan and getting in trouble got me thinking about wanting to change who I was then and make someone better of myself, although even if I try I am still me, and I was raise my many wonderful people that taught me it is not what on the outside that counts its what is on the inside, and I thought if I came fresh with a new way of thinking I could make new friends which thanks to that I did, and I was able to earn peoples trust and honor without a title, it is helpful to use a title to show, but that will only get you so far, my father the lord of our village got people to follow him not because of his name, but because he showed them who he really was without title, in this world title will only lead to hurt and problems, but it is never to late to start fresh and become who you truly want to be, its just takes a little push to come out of hiding, and I hide my real look as to not scare humans since most people are not use to seeing what they can't understand so that is all I have to say"

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