Part 47

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Akko POV

I groan feeling my head hurt...I woke up and found myself in the forest of the hell did I get here...suddenly monsters appear and I started to run...wait why am I running I have my powers...I stop and focus and I was going to shoot a fire ball, but nothing happen I tried again and nothing...fuck what the hell is going on, I could see the monster getting close and I started running I came up to an open field and I froze...I saw three vines griping on to something...suddenly the monsters got close I turn and all of a sudden the monsters stop and started merging together into one huge monster...I was frozen as I watch...then I heard a was coming from the monster...

Monster: "Ha-ha...welcome Atsuko Kagari...I have been waiting for you"

I could feel my body tremble in fear for the first time...

Akko: "Who...who are you...what do you want?"

Monster: "I should be more worry about what lies ahead...he-he"

I turn and looked at the vines as they rose...I could only feel pain and anger...I fall to my knees and I could only look...

Monster: "Ha-ha that is right, on the left you have your first crush, in the middle is the key to defeating your enemy and last on the right...he-he your lover"

I could only watch...then I heard a was Diana...

Diana: "Akko! go for the secret, I will be fine, but we have to save everyone"

I was shock at her responds I was still on my knee shaking then another voice...I turn to see who I thought was the fake, but when I look into the eyes it was not the fake it was the real Mitski, my first love...

Mitski: "Akko! Please save me, I love you Akko I always have"

My heart was torn...why...why...then I snap out as the monster spoke again...

Monster: "I will give you three save your lover...two revive you crush...or three the secret to save the world, which will you choose?"

I look down and thought about it...I had the chance to be with my first love...or I could be the hero and save the world...or stay with Diana...I kept thinking and it did not take me long to figure out something...I calm myself and took a deep breath then I sigh...

Akko: "First before I chose, tell who you are?"

Monster: "I am someone with great power like you that can help you, but at a price, this world works to keep the balance, to have something good you will have to give up something, now choose"

I did not need to think; I know my answer...

Akko: "I chose to save my girlfriend, I chose Diana..."

I look at Mitski and apologize...I knew that I had to let her go, my life won't be the same if she came, back and my heart already began to beat for Diana, she is my future now...I look at the monster again...

Monster: "Is that your final answer?"

Akko: "Yes"

I say with no doubt in my mind...

Monster: "Very well"

I saw the vine put Diana down and I ran to her...I look up as I saw Mitskis body and the key Disappear...I am sorry Mitski, I will always love you, but I have to let go and make a future with my new love, I will never forget you, you will always be in my heart good bye...Mitski...I sigh and look at Diana her beautiful eyes with tears...

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