Final Part

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In the meantime, ...

Diana: "Mia where are we...I cannot see anything"

Mia: "I don't know I can't see through all this mist and darkness...keep holding on to me don't wonder off"

Suddenly a light flash through the mist and they were both able to see a bright room...walking they came up to what look like an egg the vines were in a shape of a huge egg...they walk up to it...but as they got close another flashing light came out of it...the vines open and both were surprise to see it was Akko in the middle of the vines naked with light and dark long hair...Diana blush and walk to her and touch her skin...

Diana: "What...what is this around her body"

Mia: "Its vine slim, and it is a sustains we use to heal when our magic was unbale seems the planets nature was protecting and from the look on the wound on her side help her heal and drain some of the extra power...the planet saved her...I always wonder what made the royal so special and now that old man may not be crazy after all..."

Diana: "What do you mean by that?"

Mia was about to say something when Akko started to wake up, Diana her cloche and put it around Akko...

Diana: "Akko...are you ok?"

Akko blinks her eyes then looks up...

Akko: " mad..."

Diana hugs Akko even if she is covered in slim, she did not care as long as she was hugging her...maybe a bit too tight...

Akko: "Di...Diana...can't...I can't breathe..."

Diana: "Stupid...what took you so long...baka"

Akko smiled and hugged her back...

Akko: "Since when did you learn Japanese...and how long was I gone for..."

Mia: "Almost a year...welcome...welcome back..."

Akko looks up and sees Mia's worried face then get up with Diana...

Akko: "I am ready to listen now...please tell me the truth"

Akko look at her with a serious made Mia a little nervous and Diana as well as she looks at Akko then Mia...

Mia: "Alright...well I was an orphan my parents were killed in a war protecting this planet and well I guess I was so made at everyone that one day a black cloud and I think you know who came to me I was young and depress, but it convince me to get revenge on the royal for going off into the told me if I killed all the royals then no one will have to suffer and that he would bring back my parents...but once I got there I was a maze of course I had to compete to join the soldiers of the royal and I made it I past every test and was now in, but as time went by I started getting to use to it...Lady Rose and Lord Ray were both amazing people...even if they were I still kept to my goal, but one day I was told that the royals were about to have more children and he told me to get rid of all of you and your siblings, but that night when I issued my plan I manage somehow to sneak into the birth room and when I got there I place bombs and as I reach the corner I saw an egg that for some reason I could not help, but touch it and when I did I felt it move...I guess something inside me awoke and I felt like what I was doing was wrong...I shake my head and was going to place the bomb on the egg...when I heard moving...I touch the egg and I could feel warmth a living being that has yet to be born...I started to cry for no reason and I cancel my plans...I knew I was going to be killed if I return with a fail mission, so I was planning to run away...when I grab my bag with everything in it I close the doors and went out...I got to my room and put everything away when the door my surprise it was Lady Rose...what she said next surprise me...she...she thanked me...she thanked me and then walk up and hugged me...I don't know why or how, but tears fell and I held tight to her...I was just a kid and was about to do the worst thing in my life, but after crying Lady Rose said she knew about me and so did Lord Ray when I was now facing both they forgave me and apologize and then gave me something a letter my parents wrote to me it was so warm that I cried again...I then look at them and they had big smiles and told me that they wanted me to become a protector and with no hesitation I did...and to my surprise the egg I ended up with was the one that I felt the connection with and that was you Crims...or I mean Akko, you were the one who not only save your siblings, but me as well, I guess I felt like I had to protect you the day I touch your egg, and when you hatched it was the most beautiful day of my life, I had a new purpose and new goal and that's to see you grown and strong wise and kind and you did, even if I was not able to be there for most..."

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