Part 27

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Akko POV

The battle was over all the bodies disappeared and things were back to normal, well almost normal, this woman with silver hair with fox tail and ears appeared in my life saving it and saying she knew my real parents and she will be protecting me...what kind of hell whole did this turn into, so after she saved me and said those things we all walk to the a bigger place in the village that had enough room for everyone, not to far from the house, of course before I forget my Mother's and Serra got out of the shelter with the other people and all went back to regular, now we are sitting in the big meeting room, usually use for important things, now all of use gather to hear out what this woman want to say. I sat next to Diana as always my Mom was next to me, While my father and mother were next to each other, dad was with mom of course, Amanda and the girls were all on one side while Serra and my brother were in the other my grandmother is resting since she did not wake up yet from the sleeping gas, maids and butlers watch over her and two guards for safety my Uncle Reo, and Ken sat next to each other and the woman was siting in the middle of all of us...

Lord Kyo: "Alright please start out with your name and why are you here for"

Ice Stranger: "Well my name is Mia, and as to why I am here that is easy to protect the young prince"

Amanda: "Don't you mean princess"

Mia: "No prince because ever child born in our planet are born both sexes"

Everyone's mouth drops even mine, what the fuck is this woman serious I look at Diana looking shock...

Akko: "Wait how in hell am I both genders, I don't even have a dick right Diana"

Diana just blushes knowing were this conversation was going and put her head down, I was confused until I mentally slap myself while the three inside me laugh and so does Amanda and Saucy, I was so embarrassing especially with my family here fuck...

Mia: "Don't be embarrass young prince, any ways I come from a planet the was the birth place of magic, the magic that you all have were gifted by the young princes parents they thought that controlling all the power was hard and shared it, tis was a peaceful planet nature and we of course were able to change to fit the area, that is why we can adapt to a new planet as long as it has the resource we need, and if you do not have the male part is because you are not yet fully awaken to your real self, you are close your hair and the changes I had seen when I met you I knew you are close to becoming like your parents"

Akko: "Um...if there is a chance, you tell me about, my parents and are they still around and why did they leave me"

Mia: "Huh...I knew the day would come, I wish I was the one who raised you, but I am glade these people took you in, so now then yes your parent they were both woman, but one was born having both gender, which was normal in her family on the other hand your other mom was normal, they were truly in love, I had never seen to love more perfect then them to, you have 5 older sibling they were the first to be hatched"

Amanda: "Wait did you say hatch, did Akko come from an egg?"

Mia: "Yes you see, while you mom with both gender was mix two creature like you, your mother was a pure light dragon and yes they were horny, it was 2 years before the second littler 10 eggs and you were in the second little young prince, I remember you and your siblings hatched on a crimson moon that is why you were born with both abilities of dark and light magic, while the first born are born with pure dark magic, and the third litter light magic, it was a year after you hatch that things got bad, your mother had a brother he was never happy that his sister was happy, he was always weaker dragon and slowly got corrupted it would take long to explain the whole story all you need to know is he was so jealous of both your parents that he plotted you were still young I was your protector every hatchling get a protector and you happen to chose me that day I went, I did not want to, but you were determine to be by my side and once that happen I was officially assign to take care of you, which with time I grew to like you, sadly faith has a harsh way of making a happy day turn dark, their was a rumor that someone in another galaxy was experimenting with magic and made a dark cloud monster that roam taking over bodies and souls that were weak, and it just so happen your uncle was one of those people and one day I was with you in your room when I heard the alarm ring, it had been many years since it rang, I looked out the balcony and saw a huge army of monsters demons and magical humans coming to attack, your mothers barrier was one of the strongest, but what no one could prepare for what came next I had gone down stairs with you in my hand the other protector were with the others, but I watched form the shadows and saw your mother get stab of course she can't die from just a stab, but it did weaken the barrier, I use my teleportation power and took you and your mom to your room were I set you down and sat you mother she told me to get everyone out, she heal and got up and went out to fight the battle, I relay the message to the other protectors and we all left in pods I did not want to, but you were my first priority, I did not know what happen after we all left, all I remember is seeing was ships leaving and then a huge explosion that was the last time I saw the planet and everyone, so weather you parents are a live I do not know I assume they died in the explosion cause I tried to find any heat signal when I return back with you, but it was just rubble of the planet, but no sign..."

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