Part 37

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This story is rate M so read at your own risk...he-he enjoy

Diana POV

She nods her head and gets up; she asks us to follow her and as we walk, I could have sworn we pass a barrier of some sort then Akko speaks...

Akko: "Hey mommy, where are we?"

Rose: "We are home well, our home before the incident, it was beautiful like this and peaceful me and your mother rule the planet and made sure that everyone who came felt welcome, we even started think of opening our home to some of our enemies who changed with time, you mother was a little unease with the idea, but after meeting Beatrix I thought we needed it to change although it was rough at first, it slowly started working out, soon everyone was enjoying their life"

As we walk, we see kids playing what look like soccer, and then the ball was heading towards me I block my face with my arms, but nothing hit me...

Rose: "Do not worry this is only an illusion of the past, so nothing can hurt you here"

Akko: "Ok, so where is here, I mean I know this is my birth home, but how did we get here"

Rose: "Yes about that, I had cast a spell in all the copies of books I made for you and your siblings, so that way a part of me can meet you once you touch the book, so if there are questions, I would be there to answer, it was a few things we could do before the event happen, and it gives me an opportunity to see you, well maybe not the real me, but me at least sadly the spell does not last long, so what ever you need to say you, must say it now before the spell wears off"

Akko takes a deep breath and start explaining why she touch the book and more on about Mitski and what we can do to stop this...

Rose: "Well if I remember correctly this had been done before, but it requires a great deal of power and sacrifices, although I will tell you that the person in front of you is only the body of this Mitski and that her real soul is else wear, so do not fear and as to stop her, you must break the connection, whoever is controlling her you must break the main spell, there has to be a pentagram some were once that is gone so will the body, or you can kill the creature I prefer you do the first one, but that is ultimately up to you"

Akko: "Thank you mommy, this is great and there is one more question I want to ask, what happen to you after the planet got distorted, Mia said that she did not know nor did my older siblings"

I could see Rose worried about her respond and looks up to the sky...

Akko POV

I just wait watching her looking up and thinking, what ever happen must have been really bad, maybe I should not have said anything...I grab her hand and looked at her with worry eyes...

Mommy: "Now no need for that sad face, my little one and to be honest in a way me and your mom are dead, or well not really dead more like we were reborn to new bodies, but as to were or what we look like, I do not know, I am only a part of who your mom real was, the one that was meant to guide you or at least help you when time came, as will Ray when the time comes"

Akko: "So wait, your two are alive, but you don't know where, is there a way to see you two again"

Mommy: "I am afraid not, even if you were able to find the real bodies they would not have no memories at all of who they were, its all a part of the reborn process and it runs in the family so when you are ready to go, you can reborn yourself as well, though the price is the loss of memories, and I think its best that you just leave it like that sweetie, it will make thing difficult, besides you have all your new family and Diana remember it is not just blood that makes a family, its those who care for you the most that become your family, I am sad I was not able to pend more time with you and your siblings, but to have been able to hold you back then, but now and that you call my mommy is all that I need to know that you have become a amazing person inside and out"

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