Part 11

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Akko POV

Its been 2 years since I moved in a became a Kagari, I am now 7 years old and on my 3rd term of middle school, being with the Kagari was fun at first, but things at the Kagari were not all that crack up to be, I get home and spend time with Aki he is now 17 years old and was finishing his last year of high school, I feel sad because he told everyone that he wanted to study aboard he wanted to go the Europe to study more about magic and were it might have originates and so on, I was happy for him, but at the same time I was sad because we have become really close he even took me to my first chariot concert of course he stayed cool making sure no one knew he liked it, which was funny cause right after we got home he was so excited that we played card games. The next day I woke up early to do my training with my big brother when I notice he was frustrated why I did not know I walk up to him...

Akko: "Um...big brother is everything ok?"

Aki: "No its not! Grrrr"

I take a step back knowing it was a bad idea to get close to him when he is mad

Aki: "I am sorry Akko...I did not mean to scare you; it is just my magic has seemed to stop working I can't seem to get a single spark to light up see"

I was shock and then tried using my magic, but nothing we both got worried and went to our mother who was with grandmother now in the back with Rin who is now 4 having tea, we walk to them...

Akko: "Mother, grandmother we have a problem"

Mother: "What is wrong my dear children"

Aki: "It seems me and Akko have lost our magic"

Grandma: "How is that even possible, what did you two do yesterday"

Aki: "Nothing we just went out to town had fun then went to the Chariot Concert and then we came home that is it"

Suddenly dad arrives with my uncle as they got close, they both saw the expression on our face...

Father: "What seems to be the problem dear?"

Mother: "It seem to be that Aki and Akko cannot use their magic"

Lord Kyo had a shocking face and ask for a demonstration, Aki went first and nothing no lighting appeared at all, then it was Akko's turn and nothing...

Uncle: "Now this is strange magic, just disappear without a seal, that's its Akko can you talk to you spirits?"

I close my eyes and focus entering my inner mind to find both Shredder and Tracker sleeping I wake them up and explain what happen, they were surprise they tied using theirs, but they could burly get a spark as well and with out some magic we can not release the seal to use our full power, this is back we talk and then Tracker had a idea what if it had something to do with the show we attended, it may seem like a long shot, but I had my doubts about it, but I just got myself back to reality...

Uncle: "So what did they tell you?"

Akko: "They also can not use their power, and Tracker think it could have been something to with the show we went to, but I am not to sure, but also with out some magic inside me I can not release the seal, Shredder said if we can go to a location were magic is abandon we might be able to restore some of it enough for me to release the seal and regain full strength, it is a long shot, but it might be worth a shot, the problem is I am still too young to attend the school Chariot attended, I might have been able to get answers and I am not from a witch family so getting in might be a problem..."

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