Part 52

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Diana POV

We get to the school after Akko's strange behavior professor Chariot had come back to get us and saw Akko sitting down and me with a worried face...I explain to her that Akko kept talking about feeling hot and needed help, she carried Akko and we got to the school infirmary...a little time after and the head mistress comes in and tells us that she got a call from my aunt telling us she need me and Akko to go home...I was surprise, but then again my mother was back and I doubt my aunt would argue against her...I was now more worried about Akko, thankfully professor Chariot will be escorting us so she can help me carry Akko who was not looking so well...we told our friends and they just wished us luck and to let them know if we need their was sad, but Akko comes first...luckily the other professors think that professor Chariot defeated the monster and demon which was good, since we are trying to keep out of public attention, if I had let Akko have her way there would probably be more problems with questions...We got to the lay line with Akko on the back of professor Chariot and we flew to the house...once we get there we are greeted by my mother, aunt, Mia and Anna Prof. Chariot was still carrying Akko and Mia walk up and examine her and her face look like fear...made me worry even more now...we took her to my room and lay her down as Mia pulled out the book and ready through it...we all just watch her speed she skim through the book...

Mia: "Aha! This is it...oh my...this is not good...not good at all..."

We all just look at her with worry face...

Diana: "What...what is wrong with Akko please tell me"

Mia: "Huh...puberty...tell me Diana did anything happen before she acted like this..."

Diana: "Well we did fight a monster and well Akko ended up killing it, when I saw her eye it she look like a real beast at the moment..."

Mia: "Yep, that would do it alright...You see puberty for us is different from yours, while humans come naturally...our awaken when we make our first kill as a beast using our instinct, their for causing our body to mature and start relying on our primal instinct more and by any chance when she kill the beast were you perhaps in danger..."

Diana: "Y...yes"

Mia: "Well from what it says here in the book, Akko will have to endure a lot of pain for a week, if she wants to hold back, but it says here that the only way to cure her problem is by letting her instinct go, meaning after making her first win, she would next look for a territory of her own, after that she will find a mate and is normal for us in our world, although we usually have time when this happen, although our planet is gone and all we don't have much resources here then when we were at the planet...luckily her mother left us a recipe of a liquid that will help clam her hormones, but that said she will be bed ridden for a week"

I look at Akko and her body starts to glow I call Mia and she immediately started making a ritual circle and chains appeared and is now holding Akko in place...

Diana: "Why did you do that for"

Mia: "Because compare to me that only carried one beast...Akko carries three inside her four if you include her own beast, and then there is Kuro her other self, and I am guessing the other two are getting affected as well, we need to keep her stable in the meantime, for now lets all head out and grab the ingredients...Chariot mind staying...I can sense you have great strength and the fact that you took part of her power, means you and Diana might be the only ones who will be able to help her when she needs to..."

I set off with Anna and Daryl and Bernadette head off else were to get what we need while Diana and while Diana and Chariot stay at the house watching over Akko making sure her chains stay firm since Diana was the only one who was able to hold the book and has a beast of her own making her strong...I was with Anna grabbing our last ingredient when I felt a pain around my body I was going into heat dam we need this position fast before we both lose it...Anna walks to me and looks at me...

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