Part 59

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Akko just kept looking at Mia with shock waiting for a respond it was a few seconds before she talks...

Mia: "Yes, he speaks the truth...I am not proud of it though...I will explain everything to you later, for now trust me and focus on the battle in front...please"

Akko looked down, but knew that she had to end this before more got hurt...but she will not forget this...they will walk about this, but until then she had to find a way to defeat her evil uncle and save the world...suddenly he raise his hand and dark clouds starting moving towards his hand and it turn into blades...he send the swords flying towards them and they manage to dodge...after dodging they look at him again, but suddenly a sword hit Akko in the back and she fell to her knees...

Mia: "AKKO!"

The scream could be heard everywhere the demons disappear and everyone look up...they all had a shock face seeing Akko with a sword pierce through her stomach...Diana and C1 just watch as Akko cough blood...

Diana: "No...Akko"

The evil uncle was about to strick again, but heat radiate from Akko's body and melted the swords...the evil uncle grab a sword and was about to attack, but Mia manage to teleport her and Akko to the others...Mia lays Akko in the ground gently they looks up...Mel runs up with the others...

Mia: "All of you...look after Akko for now she needs to rest..."

She was about to leave, but Sai, Kyo and Aki grab her and tells her they want to come to, thanks to the tattoo that still works because of Diana they still have power...the sword disappeared...the other four left to fight the evil uncle, while the other tend to Akko...using Akko's healing power to help fasten the healing...Diana on the other hand just look as her lover was now laying on the ground...then she looks back and sees C1 on her knees holding her head...

C1: " hurts...why...why do I feel pain..."

Suddenly a spirit of Mitski showed up inside C1 head and there they talk about helping Akko helping their Atski even if it meant their end...

Mitski: "Hello C1, my name is Mitski and I am Atski first is nice to meet you..."

C1: "Why...why are you here...what is going on"

Mitski: "I will explain...what you feel is the love I had for Atski...since you were made with my remains, the feelings I carried for Akko still lingers with in..."

C1: "Then how do I get rid of it...I have to do my master orders or else"

Mitski: "I know...but if you help Akko and her friends then you can grant his may have my looks, but I can see the care you have for your master...and I may not be able to help you two, but at least help me stop this by helping the others and saving my Atski..."

Mitski held her hand out to C1...C1 hesitated...but deep down she wanted to be with her master...that is all she wanted...she grabs Mitski's hand and a bright light glows...Diana just watches as C1 body glowed, suddenly it disappear and she stood up, Diana position her self ready to fight, but notice the eyes change they were a different color now...

Mitski: "Do not worry Diana, I am no longer a and the clone have decided to lend a hand to stop all this...C1 just wants to grant her master wish and set him free, he is under the evil curse and can not be free unless we can get Akko to win the battle only she can set things back to normal"

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