Part 35

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Akko POV

I enter my mind world to have a serious talk with the other three...

Akko: "So"

Kuro: "So what, listen I'm lost as you are, remember we both loved even if we were not aware of it before, but to have them bring her back is...grrrr, I fucken want to kill who ever brought her back"

Akko: "Me to, but how, we don't even know were she is at all or who exactly did this, bringing her back to life is cruel and so fucken mess up"

Tracker: "Well we at least know that Mitski exist, but the problem is what will we do with her, I don't want to say this, but if Mitski is with the enemy we will have to do something we can't just let someone use her body to do crimes that is just not right, what do you think Shredder"

Shredder: "No clue at all, I never had to deal with a situation like this, but I recommended asking that family and well we do have Diana to..."

Tracker: "Oh, yea forgot about that, Akko, Kuro we all just got into a relationship with Diana, much as I know you two love Mitski, you still must understand that your Mitski is gone, and the one in front of us is not her"

Me and Kuro look at each other and start thinking, we stay silence for a while, usually shredder is the type to have a plan and not rely on others, but if he says we need help, its hard to argue, Dam this is so fucken mess up why, why does it have to be like this, Mitski...Mitski why did you leave, why did you have to die, I...then Kuro puts a hand on my shoulder and I lift my head to look her in the eyes...

Kuro: "Let's ask...much as I hate this, I am at a lost, and if we ask, maybe we can come with a conclusion, and besides I love Diana right now, but what about you Akko, I know you are suppose to be the one with good intention, and I am your dark side, but to be honest Tracker is right...even if I...really hate it...because like you deep down I never stop loving Mitski to and..."

I look at them and nod my head and decided to head back...I wake up to find myself warm and with arms wrapped around my waist and my chin on Diana's hair, which to be honest smell so good, it is very relaxing...deep down they had a point, I guess it is time to talk...but that's easer said then done, and were should I start...I get off of bed gently not wanting to wake up Diana, but her grip is so strong it was kind of tough, how in the world is she strong...dam she must be really worried about me...he-he...dam it Diana, why did you have to be, so amazing and beautiful...I just lay back down and hug her then kiss her forehead, she snuggles closer to my chest and I just lay my chin back on her head... a few minutes in, Diana starts waking up and I look at her as she slowly lifts her head to look at me in the eyes...then she kisses my lips...after we part she talks...

Diana: "Morning Akko, how did you sleep?"

She says giving me the most wonderful smile that just melts me...I sigh and kiss her forehead then looked up...

Akko: " be honest for the first time in my life, I am lost...I have no clue what to do at all"

I hear a small giggle coming from Diana...which made me tilt my head a little as I look at her with a confuse face

Diana: "Sorry, it is just that, you saying that you have no clue of what to do, is not usually you and I find it cute, because it means you have an amazing heart, and I think that is one thing I really love about you, that no matter what happens you are able to admit when you are at a lost, but if you are still you, if there is still a little of the Akko I meet at the school in there, then I am sure she will have something in her sleeves no matter how tough things get, so do what you feel is right to you Akko, because that is who you are and I will be there for you no matter what, I love you Akko with all my heart, though I may not understand the pain your going through right now, I just want to let you know that I will be here to listen"

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