Part 33

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Akko POV

I wake up feeling Diana hugging me, her head are near my chest and I took the opportunity to sniff her hair, dam I love her sent it drive me crazy...I get out of bed slowly and get dress wearing my MMA shorts and my sport bra, I thought I should train at the beach and do some small exercise, it was only 6am and it was breath taking, I was about to head back until I heard noise coming from the forest beside the beach and I followed, their was a trail and it lead to a cliff side that looks out to the ocean, I took in the view, but notice the noise stop, suddenly my instincts kicked in and turn looking at another cloche person, seriously again, why the hell now and were does that old man get these people...I just kept glaring at the person...

Akko: "Who are you, and why are you here, did that baster send you here, if he did you are wasting you time, you are under his control we can help you we don't have to fight"

The person just kept looking, I could not see their face, but as soon as I was about to talk the person attacks I dodge the first attack and I notice the person was a bit smaller them me, and what's even weird is I get this strange feeling in my body, I just keep dodging her attacks considering all she is doing is attacking with regular fighting, then I sense another person behind me I manage to duck down and dodge both of them, as I dodge the new person I did not notice the other one pull something out and through it at me it was powder which made me get dizzy they were about to attack before I manage to teleport myself back to the house and I started walking before Mona saw me and ran to me...

Mona: "Akko were having you been, what happen to you?"

I just look at her trying to say something, but I just felt my body give and I black out...I wake up in my mind world I look around for the three spirits and find them on the ground as well...

Akko: "Hey...guys get up...what happen...what did they do"

I say weakly, I have never felt like this in ages I saw how Kuro sat up and looked so worn out...

Kuro: "I am...not sure, but that powder...must have done something to us..."

Tracker: "It must be paralyzing powder which is why you passed out, but normally it only affect the one outside not us, that must mean that they added something else to it that affected the three of us as well, luckily Shredder has a power that helps with the paralyzing powder, but it will take time"

We all talk feeling weak...

Shredder: "Dam those fucker...I am going to kill them for this"

Akko: "Relax we can't kill them, and besides that won't do anything, but there is something strange, I was wondering if you all felt the same thing I did when the first person came out and attacked us"

Kuro: "I only felt it to when we were fighting before that stupid powder was thrown to us, we are just lucky that you were able to teleport and get us out of that situation, I hate to admit it, but even with all our powers, I hate that we have weakness..."

Tracker: "I only felt the sting from the powder, but nothing else sorry"

Shredder: "Same...tsk...I hate it being vulnerable like this, fuck!"

Kuro: "Yelling won't do anything come on Akko when we recover lets murder them, endless you want a repeat of those other cloche basters, because I don't want to put up with them, and I hate that they keep finding new things to weaken us all the time we let our guard down..."

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