Part 55

392 16 1

Akko POV

Dam I miss a weird way...although I still can't shake off Diana's words...should I be worried...well who cares it might be easier to keep off doing it in school since we only have 1 class together...I should be sad and I am...but knowing that Diana is now in heat...makes me a little worry considering her mom warn me not just once, but twice and what will she think if we get caught...wait...since when did I start caring to follow rules...oh well I guess we just have to wait and see...he-he...we finally arrive at school and we are greeted by our friends I got tackle by Lotte then the rest of the green team dropping me to the floor...

Akko: "Alright...Alright it is good to see all of you please get off I can burly breath..."

Amanda: "Sorry Akko...he-he...its been boring at the school without you"

Akko: "Well we are back now...right Diana"

I felt arms wrap around my waist and Diana leans her chin on my shoulder...

Diana: "Mhm..."

Hanna: "Um...Diana are you feeling ok...your um..."

She kisses my cheek and licks my ears...I try to get away, but she holds on tight...huh...and it starts...

Diana: "Of course...I am just showing my affection to my mate..."

All the girls look at me...and I just sigh...

Akko: "Huh...mating season..."

Sucy: "Its strange though how is it that you are not as active as her"

I look to my side were Diana was leaning and she kiss was quick, but the most surprise of my life I manage to get out and I ran...

Akko: "Sorry guy have to talk with professor Chariot see you in the cafeteria!"

I just left everyone...dam why am I running...oh yea...stupid heat...dam its going to take every bit of my strength and energy to not get caught, though I like getting in trouble...Diana's mom is scary...I walk to the head mistress first and told her of our arrival we talk and then I headed off to the I was walking I saw the fake walking towards me...I glare at her and walk a different direction...I then notice she was following me I just kept walking until I was stop by her two team mate...

Akko: "Um...sorry you two, but mind stepping aside I need to get through..."

No respond...what the hell...I look back and saw the fake close...I then turn back and notice the other two back up and had their wand out...not this is not normal...I look back to the fake...

Akko: "What the hell did you do to them...grrr"

Fake: "Nothing much, the same thing I am about to do to you..."

I look at her confuse, but shredder alerted me to the liquid that we got before...I look around and I ran up to her she was surprise but had her hand with the needle ready...I take a huge leap and go over her, I start to run, but then I felt pain in my back shoulder...I kept running until I was out of their range...I look at my back part of my shoulder and pull out the syringe...fuck I really need to be more quick...then again mating season is making it hard to focus on my other instinct...I have to remember to thank shredder tonight...I manage to get to the cafeteria and saw the girls waiting...

Amanda: "Gzzz...Akko what took you so long?"

Akko: "Sorry girls...had some problems along the way here"

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