Part 23

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Akko POV:

I feel weird, I open my eyes and notice someone standing in front of me, I try to reach the person, but I could not I look at my hands and there are dark vines wrapped around both my wrists and more vines wrapped my ankles suddenly the person turns around with a smirk on their face, my eyes widen when I notice it was me, but with dark hair, I couldn't explain what was happening, all I remember was being angry and my family were is my family and friends, were am I, I try to speak, but the person puts on finger on my lips indicating to keep quiet...

Akko: "Who are you and where am I, and why do you look like me?"

Look-alike: "I am you, well the better you, and were we are in your mind well our mind and if I look like you is because I am you, the one that was sealed away long ago, but I don't expect you to remember, any ways just stay quiet while I have some fun"

She turns back looking at something, but I could not see, next thing I know a big screen showed up...

Look-alike: "I think I will be nice and let you see what happens, so you know stay quiet and enjoy the show"

Akko: "Where are you and what are you planning?"

Suddenly a vine wrapped around my mouth making me unable to speak...

Look-alike: "Much better and if you want to know I want to recruit the past, but this time make it more fun, as what we are going to do easy...~Kill he-he~"

My eyes widen hearing that and I try to struggle out of the vines, but failed...

Look-alike: "Don't bother you can't brake free your to weak, and your friends ain't gana help, I put them to sleep, I was going to use their power, but it seems they had automatically block them selves with a barrier, which sucks, but I do give a dam as long as they don't interfere and nor will you, now that you have allowed me to take over, I knew it would be just time before I was free, I should give my thanks to the professor or should I say Chariot, she took your some of your power and even if your strongest part of you power were seal, my seal was weaken allowing me break free, all that time watching you go through so much pain was the key and this last blow did the trick making you need me and released me to the world, so that is the reason ii have not yet put you to sleep or lock you up, at least not yet now just watch"


After the Look-alike finish talking, we find her on top of the clock tower looking at the people in the village and watched looking for something or someone. She spotted a couple heading into the forest probably to have a picnic. As the couple set their picnic Akko, or Akko's Look-alike teleports behind them and kill the guy first by using her hand with claws stab him to the chest and pulled the heart out, he collapse and fell the girl turn around and she scream so loud I think anyone close by can hear it, and then Look-alike stab her to wrapping her heart out as well, then she make two small knifes appear and she stabs both heart to a tree near by and with the blood writes in the bottom, The past rises and the end will come then Akko teleported hearing voices getting close, she hid on top of one of the tree with her half beast and human form watching the people start gathering some went down the trail and soon cops arrive and start investigating, after that she teleported again and she was in an alley way hand clean from blood, it as like she was not even there she walks out everyone looking at what they could not explain, and Akko walked she watched how people looked at her, she release this musky sent that send people into a mad rage attacking each other, the whole village was in in ruins with people attacking and killing each other while the ones in the forest are busy with the two dead bodies, soon the media was full with videos and comments on what is happening to the village...In the mean time back at the village the who group were heading to their own cars before one of the maid said that is a call for Lord Kyo he answers and what he hears shocks him, then he runs back in and turns on the T.V, everyone runs and looked at the T.V as well with shock look on their facieses...

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