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"Alright guys, gather around."

Everyone stopped what they were doing and quickly gathered around Mr. Kim. He had been observing them closely, making sure their bodies weren't experiencing anything out of the ordinary.

"I'm happy to inform that you all seem to be adjusting well, and we can begin to advance further with our missions."

The boys all cheered softly, excited they were finally going to be doing something other than just fighting one another. It made for good practice, but it definitely made some tension rise between the trainees. They were tired from the constant practice, especially those who didn't usually do much physical activity to begin with. That, mixed with mountains of school work, and extra curriculars put some of them on edge.

Which, oddly enough, wouldn't have been so bad for Sooyoung if it hadn't meant there would be some kind of scuffle every other day with these boys. She was slowly learning their names, due to the constant yelling and bickering between sparring partners.

They had a rotating partner schedule that they constantly had to redo because they could never seem to get the perfect pairs down. They couldn't be constant, seeing as your opponent could easily pick up on your techniques and tricks, but there also weren't many pairings that actually worked out, leading to a lot of confrontations.

Some of the worst have been between Mark and Haechan, this Sooyoung has experienced first hand. It would mainly be Haechan to start them, but only after Mark would make either a less then appropriate comment, or a subtle jab at Haechans power control and fighting abilities.

This would lead Haechan to get defensive, call out Mark for having 'a less than useless power' and maybe throw a punch. Or two, depended on how bad of day the younger male had been having before coming to the company.

At first Sooyoung thought it was just playful banter, seeing as some of the other boys had on going jokes with one another, but it wasn't until one day when Johnny, Jaehyun, and Taeyong had to step in between the two, stopping the seemingly endless punches and slurs that flowed from both boys. That was one of the worst ones, but there had been plenty of other small petty squabbles between the fire wielder and the mind controller.

On the next episode of 'Keeping up with the trainees' there was the beef between Lucas and Jungwoo, the most mind boggling one in her opinion. She didn't understand because Lucas was arguably the nicest guy in the group. He was goofy, charming, and all around a big kid. The girl couldn't understand for the life of her why Jungwoo was so against the younger of the two. Their conflicts were never physical, seeing as Lucas never allowed it to escalate that far, but that didn't mean they were any less petty. Lucas would try and give his senior a tip or an adjustment and the latter would give a snarky comment in response.

The worse part was that Lucas knew what he was talking about, and if jungwoo could just put whatever awful image he had swimming in his head of the younger to rest, he could be one of the best hand to hand fighters on the team.

That title belonged to yours truly, but Sooyoung didn't let that get to her head.

It was obvious with every passing practice that the boy's skills were improving immensely. Soon Sooyoung knew she'd be on the bottom of the totem pole sooner than later.

"As you all know, we are working towards contact with the other worldly beings, and we think our first meeting will be within the next week."

The tension in the room got impossibly thicker as everyone felt the rising anxiety of actually having seeing these creatures, or whatever they were.

"While, your combat skills are impressive, we think the need for other means of defense are in order. So! Today we will be taking you to the shooting range. Y'know, to spice it up a little."

Sooyoung all but physically cringed as Mr. Kim did his best to make the sound of a room full of gun fire sound inviting. The girl wasn't nervous, but she couldn't say the same for some of the others.

At Mr. Kim's words, some of the boys stilled, not feeling as confident about the idea of actually shooting a fire arm, but it's not like they really had a choice anymore.

"You know you're actually supposed to hit the paper with the bullet, right?"

Marks eyes rolled on instinct as the sound of an all to familiar voice echoed in the chamber of the range. His skin crawled as he took a deep breath, trying his best to calm his nerves.

"I do know that, Donghyuck. But thanks for your concern," Mark gritted out before turning back to face forward. He squared his shoulders and focused in on the center of the target. Clasping the Glock firmly in his hands, Mark raised his arms to eye level, keeping his stance firm and ready. He was zoning in on the paper silhouette of the 'person' when the same piercing voice interrupted his concentration.

"You stand weird... and you look like you're closing both of your eyes. Can you even see?"

Mark was trying his best, he really was, to not snap on the younger, but he knew that's exactly what he wanted. Haechan wanted him to get riled up, maybe even throw a few insults back, but he wasn't going to let him get away with it today.

"I can see just fine Donghyuck," Mark said with an exhale as he did his best to muster up a smile. Haechan mimicked the facial expression with a small eye roll that Mark caught.

"You still stand weird," the younger mumbled, not backing down in the slightest. He never let mark get the last word. Never.

The older huffed, it seemed never ending with the boy, but it's not like he didn't play a hand in their mutual feelings for one another. He could just stay quiet, not say anything and allow the younger to just tire himself out, but there was just something about Haechan that made mark tick. The latter just knew all the right buttons to push to make Mark snap on him. It was like a game to him- to see how long it would take him this time to make Mark throw some choice words back at him. Which is just what he was planning to do.

"You know Donghyuck, if you really think I stand weird, then you'll be surprised with your stance when I get my hands on our scrawny ass-"

"Yo! Haechan!"

Marks threats were cut short by a low voice calling for the younger boys attention.

"Leave him alone and get your ass over here."

Mark scoffed, as if anyone would want to be near that little prick. He was the real one causing all the problems, they all really knew that.

Haechan gave Mark a wicked smile before taking his leave. Mark released a long breath he didn't even realize he was holding as he shook his head. He needed to get grip and not let this kid get under his skin anymore. It had gone on for to long and Mark had let it.

Mark knew that he was going to do great things at and for this company, but he also knew that if he didn't do something about this Donghyuck situation soon, he might do something he regrets.

Sorry this took so long! I hope you enjoyed!

~Sorry this took so long! I hope you enjoyed!

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