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"Did you know your sneeze comes out of your mouth at over 100 miles per hour?"

"Dude...what the fuck is wrong with you?"

Sooyoung rolled her eyes as she approached her usual lunch table. 'They're already at it and it's not even first period yet.' She thought to herself as she dropped her bag by her feet and began to settle herself next to two of her bickering friends.

"Soo, tell Yerin I'm not 'full of useless knowledge, and a loser' cause I'm not," the friend to her left complained.

'I'm too old for this shit'

Rolling her eyes, again, at her friends childish behavior, she raised an eyebrow at them both.

"My ass hasn't even hit my chair yet and you're already arguing like an old married couple."
Both parties gave her a disapproving look and went to counter her argument, but before they could, the other boy sitting at the table opened his mouth.

"You missed it earlier man, I thought Hyuck was going to throw hands if Yerin didn't stop teasing him."

"I wasn't teasing him, I was simply giving my feedback on the situation." Yerin was quick to fire back after the sudden dig.

"If he didn't want my opinion, he should've kept his trap shut."

With a low whistle, Sooyoung finally sat down in her chair and integrated herself into the conversation.

"Damn Yerin, who pissed in your cereal this morning?" Sooyoung said reaching her arm across the table to grab a piece of toast, only to have it slapped away at the last second.

"Hey! Don't hog the toast Chan, I'm hungry!"
Shaking his head, Chan cut her a piece of his breakfast.

"You're always hungry, do they not feed you in that fucking mansion of yours?"

Smiling triumphantly as the food was placed in-front of her, Sooyoung quickly downed it.

"Slow down there Soo, it's not your last meal," Minhyuck said handing the girl a napkin so she could wipe her face.

Finishing it quickly, Sooyoung wiped her mouth and took a sip of someone's coffee...at-least that's what it tasted like, but who knew with these people.

"Anyways, how is everyone doing, anything special happen in the past 18 hours we haven't seen each other," asked Minhyuck checking his watch to see how long it had been since the friends had last seen each other, while his chin propped up on his other palm.

The three other friends chorused with no's because they were all equally as boring and swamped with homework as each other.

"Did you guys know th-," Minhyuck started before being cut off by the doors to the cafeteria being slammed open to reveal a bunch of boys who Sooyoung quickly made out to be the football team... or were they the wrestling team? She didn't know, and really didn't need to. They were all a bunch of meat heads that couldn't offer her anything, so she saw no use to learn anything about them.

It's harsh, but Sooyoung didn't like to sugarcoat things that needed to be said. Especially if was the truth.

"Ladies and gentleman, May I present to you, your soon to be champions, Seoul Knights football team!"

The room erupted with cheers and chants of the teams name and a few players names as well. Sooyoungs friends clapped and whistled along with the rest of the student body, while she spent the moment stealing another piece of Chans toast. What? His mom makes some good toast, ok?

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