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The dark, damp room must have been below freezing. Cool metal walls and a cracked cement floor was what Yuta found himself lying on. The superhuman lolled his head to his right, blinking rapidly willing his eyes to adjust to the darkness. With heavy breaths and a cold cheek, Yuta turned back to the ceiling. Only a sliver of light flowed into the room and it came from the bottom of the large door that led to what looked and sounded like a hallway.

He could hear footsteps outside of wherever he was being kept. With a mental countdown, Yuta braced himself and pushed his chest up and off the ground. Clenching his teeth, the boy willed himself to keep every and any noise at bay, even if it did feel like his entire body was on fire. With a muffled grunt, the boy willed himself to his feet.

Once steady, Yuta took another look around. With his back to the door, the boy limped to the far end of his cell. He placed his palms to the wall, heaving a sigh at his situation.

Lost in thought, the sound of the large door and the flow of bright light from the hallway startled Yuta, causing him to whip around and face whoever was at his door.

"Good Morning, Mr. Nakamoto," Yo Sangki wore his signature smirk and it took everything in Yuta not to pounce on the mutant. He kept his cool, squaring his shoulders to the best of his abilities. " I assume you slept well, no?"

Yuta scoffed, but it sounded more like a cough, "Yeah... like a baby." The boy wanted to keep his ground, show the mutant that he was not afraid of him. But Yuta's mind and body were not on the same page. Yuta was only able to stand for another few seconds before he felt his knees buckle, sending him to the ground with a thud.

"This is good," the mutant said with fake sincerity, "because you're going to need your strength," Yo Sangki nodded, as two large men entered the boys' cell. They moved around their boss and latched onto yuta, swiftly lifting him back to his feet. With the boy now back up, the mutant moved towards him coming to almost brush noses with him. "Because we've got a lot of questions for you."

Once he was done talking, the two men began to drag the boy out and into the light. Blinded for a few seconds, Yuta's eyes quickly focused on the long, fluorescent lit hallway. The walls were the same as his cell, but this time the floor was also a sleek metal. The boy could not keep up with how many lefts and rights it took to get their destination, but it felt like forever.

Once they had arrived at what seemed to be the farthest room from his cell, yuta looked up as the door was unlocked. As his vision focused, the boy felt his blood run cold and his body go into autopilot.

"No, please," The boy whimpered as he used all of his strength to fight his way back out of the room. The two men were quick to hold him steady, and they easily maneuvered the boy onto the long body shaped table. Still struggling, Yuta kicked and swung his limbs in anyway he could, but it was all useless. The clinking of metal snapping into place sealed his fate.

With his arms and legs secured by metal straps, Yuta flailed his head back and forth. The room was bright, white walls and pristine surfaces surrounding the table that now kept him still.

"You," Yo Sangki came to step in front of the table, "are going to tell me everything you know about me."

Yuta scoffed, "Not happening," he said as he closed his eyes. The lights were overwhelming, giving him a slight headache.

The mutant chuckled, "Oh really... well," before the man had even finished his sentence, a loud whirring sound started up. The table Yuta laid on began to vibrate and the static of electricity invaded his ears. Everything seemed to happen in a blur and the excruciating pain that took over Yuta's body only caused there to be more ungodly noises in the room. "We'll just see about that."

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