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"We're ready."

The salty air sat thick around them. Everything they had been planning for was going to start tonight.

"Good," the male stood unmoving with his back turned, making his counterpart huff. She was used to his cold, rude demeanor, but it had grown worse with time. His attitude and stance becoming far too much like his senior for her liking.

"Are you going to stick around for the fight? Jaehui says it should be decent. He monitored the last one and said they have adapted to their powers well."

The other nodded, "So I've been told. They even took the bait. I'm curious so I plan on it."

The female nodded with a cat like grin on her face, "good, maybe you'll finally find what you're looking for then."

Her comment made the male laugh, "I know I'll find it, the real task is to obtain." Yes. His mission was simple enough.

The girl grinned, "yeah but don't worry too much, you've got us to help you out. If one of us sees her we'll be sure to grab-"

"No!" The dock they stood on shook slightly as the male finally turned around. His breath was heavy as his bright eyes trained on the girl.

"Do whatever you want to the others I don't care," his gravely voice rang in the girls ears.

"But the girl is mine."

Jisung ran around his room quickly, searching for his pull over so he could get out the door.
The company's notification came in at the pleasant time of eleven twenty seven and gave very little wiggle room for preparation. "Fuck!" the boy gasped as he fumbled helplessly, trying to get himself together. Jisung couldn't help it as he moved clumsily with his arms raised, occupied with trying to pull on his sweatshirt.

When jisung reached the front of his dorm room, he slapped his hands on the plaster as he shoved his feet into a random pair of shoes that lined the wall. He knew he'd have to change them at the company anyways so he didn't particularly care which ones he wore at the moment.

Throwing his door open, the boy quickly sprinted down his dorm hall and to the stairwell next to the elevators. 'No time' he thought as he swung the heavy metal door open.

He clambered down the stairs, jumping the last three or four to try and make better time. When he reached the ground floor, he ran to the lobby's front doors and out into the cold night. Without hesitation, Jisung walked up to the large, unmarked SUV and swung the heavy door open.

He climbed in and buckled himself as the driver swiftly maneuvered out of the parking lot and on to the main road.

The boy was finally able to take a breath and relax as the car moved with an almost silent hum. He leaned back and closed his eyes, trying to focus. Now he had to worry about a new mission.

"Weren't expecting it, huh?"

Jisung opened one of his eyes, looking over at the other boy who sat near the drivers side window.
"And you were?" He retorted, eye still trained on him.

Chenle shrugged, "guess I had a feeling something was going to happen soon. Too quiet."

Jisung nodded, closing both eyes again before speaking, "I just like to think the world can be somewhat of a decent place while I sleep..." the boy paused, only to let out a sigh followed by a breathy laugh, "but what do I know."

"I get that," chenle mumbled as he fiddled with his sweaty hands, "as cool as this is, going on missions and stuff, it makes you wonder what kind of bad people are out... there" Chenle made a circular motion with his arms, not quite knowing what 'out there' exactly was.

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