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"Sooyoung you need to slow down." The girl was frantically moving around her large pristine living room. It was Saturday and she hadn't been able to sit still all morning.

"Sweetheart... this is my job. Your parents pay me to keep the place clean." Heyrim chuckled fondly as the girl stopped to give her a small pout. Sooyoung wasn't nervous, just ill prepared. She knew this wasn't going to be a fun and enjoyable party because she knows how the boys get when they're all in a room for too long together. And it's not pretty.

"These boys must really be something... I've never seen you like this with your other group of friends. Not even Mingyu." Hyerim said with a knowing smile.

Sooyoung cringed at the thought of the other boy, having been stopped by him multiple times to 'catch up' on campus since their encounter the other week. It was weird, he was acting strange, but she had not time to dwell on it.

"These aren't people I've known since I was kid..." she said as she refluffed the same pillow over again. "They're people I met six months ago... and they've never been here before. Plus I'm sure that if I don't have things to keep them busy a brawl will take place."

"Don't be silly Sooyoung! I'm sure they will have a great time and everyone will get closer after this." Sooyoung wanted to agree, but really couldn't.

Her mom had sprung the idea of a get together without any warning, which she was used to. There had been plenty of times where she'd come home to a house full of people, which Sooyoung had never been fond of. But she did enjoy getting all of her friends together and doing something with all of them.

Also, it probably didn't help that whenever her mother asked how things were going with her team, she'd alway give a smile and a wave saying that everything was going well with just a few misunderstandings. Normal boy things, she'd always label it as.

The girls phone buzzed in her pocket, making her grab and unlock it.
Yuta: We're on our way.

Right below his notification was the over flowing, now muted, group chat that someone (Taeyong) had created at the beginning of the week. Sooyoung had walked out of her physics class to see over fifty messages from a bunch of unknown numbers. It took the girl a good hour to get all of their contacts correct in her phone.

Before she could think of anything else to fix, the loud chime of the gate bell sounded throughout the house. Sooyoung whipped around towards the entrance wide eyed.

"The Gates not going to open itself Sooyoung! Let those poor boys in." Hyerim yelled from where she was fixing snacks in the kitchen.

The girl bit her lip before she swiftly moved to the control panel on the wall next to the door. She pressed the large button and a loud buzz made the wall vibrate, signaling the gate was opening.

She knew it would take them a few seconds to get up her walk way so she anxiously waited by the doors to her house. A few moments later, a loud knock sounded on the panels, making the girl flinch. Unlocking it, Sooyoung swung the door open and was greeted by a familiar face.

"When you said house party, you didn't mention you didn't live in a house." The boy smirked as Sooyoung rolled her eyes.

Johnny stepped inside, followed closely by Mark. The two looked around as everyone else filed in behind them. Sooyoung closed the door quickly and swayed awkwardly before Hyerim walked in.

"Welcome boys! It's nice to finally meet you all!"

The boys all smiled and bowed politely to Hyerim. "Come in! I have some snacks set out in the kitchen and you can sit in the living room."

A Surge of Power | NCTحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن