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Whoever had the idea to make the work load for medical students unbelievably extensive and tedious on Friday nights. Their mom's a hoe.

It had already been a long week without all of the extra work Taeil had been assigned just ten minutes before he was dismissed for the weekend.

He'd accidentally misdiagnosed his patient on Monday, lost a chart on Tuesday, and he didn't even want to think about what he had to do on Thursday.
But now added on top of that, he had five other assignments due by the next class, which was Wednesday.

So, here he was, sitting in his apartment, at his desk piled high with files, his notes, and a large coffee that's pretty much empty. All Taeil wanted was to spend the night eating take out and watching a movie, but plans change he guessed.

Interning at the local hospital that was near campus was an amazing opportunity that Taeil was absolutely grateful for, but it did have its faults.

He was constantly attending to patients and their families who were either rude, or less than grateful for the services they were receiving. Not to mention the last time Taeil remembered going to bed at a decent hour.

But those things are under the 'terms and conditions' section packet you get when you sign up to be a Medical student, or it damn well should be, in Taeils opinion at least.

Heaving a sigh and leaning back in his desk chair, Taeil ran his hands through his hair as he stretched his limbs. Taking another breath and looking at the work in front of him, he picked up his coffee cup and went to drink, only to get a few final drops.

With a small pout, Taeil threw the cup into the small bin that was sitting under his desk and stood up. He couldn't finish all of this without something to keep himself awake. He needed caffeine, and he knew just where to go.

He made his way to the front door and slipped his shoes on along with a light jacket. His friends coffee shop was only a few blocks away and it was nice to get out and get some fresh air. Oh, and he gets to see his friends too.

Locking his door behind him, Taeil walked down the hall to the elevator and went down to the lobby of his apartment building. When he arrived outside, the cool air hit his face causing him to shiver and zip up his hoodie.

He began his walk along the deserted streets. It usually wasn't this quiet, but seeing as it was a Friday night and most people had plans, Taeil figured it would be peaceful journey to the familiar coffee shop. Or so he thought.

When he had reached the halfway mark of his walk, Taeil began to feel like someone was following him. The sound of loud footsteps only seemed to be getting closer by the second, causing the boys pulse to elevate.

Not wanting to jump to gun, he slightly turned his head so he could use his peripheral vision to see what the figure behind him looked like.

He saw a guy, like a really big guy wearing a ball cap. He wasn't wearing the attire Taeil had expected though. He was wearing a nice shirt, a suit jacket, and a pair of slacks with loafers.

'That's weird, why would a guy with that kinda wardrobe wanna rob a broke college student?'

Taking a deep breath, Taeil calmed himself and steadied his pace. He was probably just jumping to conclusions and needed to relax, but just to be sure, he decided to take a back route that not too many people knew about.

Instead of keeping straight, Taeil took a sharp right down a less lit up street. When the man swiftly followed, Taeil swore his heart stopped.
He quickly made another turn in hopes of losing him, but the man kept up with his pace.

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