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The darkness you feel at a weak point in your life is the most insufferable feeling in the world. It feels like your lungs have collapsed, your eyes can't distinguish between fact and fiction. Your arms feel like putty, your legs tremble with every step you take. The body can't maneuver, but the mind can't stop acting. It's running at an unbearable speed, conjuring thoughts you had tried so hard to suppress. The mind is what really causes all of this, the body just being its host. The mind creates these emotions, it's what causes you to do the things you know you shouldn't. The mind makes you feel as though you can only be the best version of yourself, but come to find you've destroyed everyone and everything in your path.

That's how Taeyong felt.

His eyes were closed, body untouched, but his mind was completely unraveled. He had done everything he could, it may not seem like it, but he promises he did. The boy would've done anything for his friends, no matter how it affected his conscious. He knew them, all of them. He'd seen their names in a carelessly opened file laying on a desk. He'd seen the names of the ones like him. Some he's yet to meet, others happening by chance.

He knew what he was, he'd known for years. He doesn't understand it, and doesn't think he ever will. So many unanswered questions, even if he'd been in the same unmarked building upwards of fifty times. They would always send him him with more questions than he came in with. It was a cycle, a sick game for them. All this talk of superheroes, yet the real enemy was them.

That Taeyong knew.

Opening his eyes, Taeyong was reacquainted with the sterile white tiles of their ceilings. He'd been under these sheets so many times, it didn't feel foreign on his skin anymore. Hell, he's probably been on here more than his own bed.

He wiggled his fingers, just to make sure they were still there, before taking a few breaths. Taeyong tilted his head to his left, where he knew someone would be waiting for him to wake up. His assumptions were soon confirmed by an older woman who calmly approached his bed and held his hand gently. A small smile graced her lips and he mirrored her expression.

Patting his hand firmly, the old woman shook her head at the boy. She had knowing eyes, a wise aura surrounding her small figure.
"Lee Taeyong, how many times are you going to end up in this bed before you learn your lesson?" Taeyongs smile grew as he began to quietly laugh, the lady was like a second mother to him in every aspect. She cared for him, looked out for him, and most importantly  scolded him when he needed to be. It was nice to know he had someone here that he could ask questions to. Though she didn't always give the answer he hoped for, she gave him words that were much more valuable.

"You know I'm only here to visit you," He finished with a wiggle of his brows, earning him a light slap on the forearm. She knew he was just a cheeky young man, but she also knew what he was capable of. She knew everything about him, even the things he never personally disclosed to her.

It felt wrong to invade someone's life like that, but over the years, knowing that you are the someone that these kids could turn to and talk to about the changes in their bodies was enough. That's why she did this, for kids like Taeyong.

Still shaking her head, the older woman helped the boy to sit up with his back pressed against the head board of the high performance bed he was stationed in. Once comfortable, Taeyong stretched his arms behind his head and relaxed. He knew the drill.

Laying his arm out ready for the prick, Taeyong mentally prepared himself for all the liquids she would extract from his body. It's how their visits always started. He would wake up, she'd scold him, then help him up so she could test his levels. It was a comfortable routine, that was until she returned to his side and shook her head again, but this time it was different. She wasn't good neutrally doing it, she was telling him 'no'.

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