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"Alright Wong, you're up next!"

Popping his neck and giving his signature cocky smirk, the wrestler got into position in front of his opponent. The gym was dead silent as the two males approached each other on the mat.

The other male, his challenger, mirrored his stance and threw him an arrogant look.
"You're going down Wong," he said leaning in closer to the other. "I don't even know why your ass bothers showing up anymore. We all know I'm the best here. Anyone in this gym could take you down, even Coach," his opponent said chuckling. "Shit, I bet you'd get dropped by a freshman."

With a scoff and the raising of his chin, Yukhei didn't let the taunting from his teammate get to him. He kept his cool and readied himself for the whistle that would signal the start of their match. The team crowded closer around the two, as they all knew it would be a good match. It was between the two best on the team. Even though, everyone knew who the real best on the team was.

"Come on Yukehi, beat his ass!"
"Yeah Lucas, wipe that smug look off his fucking face!"
"Don't let him get to you captain, keep your eyes on the prize!"
That's all Yukhei needed to hear. All he wanted to hear from his teammates. Hearing them call him their leader was something he'd never be able to get tired of.

It had been a team vote between the two males. Being captain meant you would have to headline matches, and help the team with any other issues it had. Both were up for the challenge and wanted the position, but it was a landslide win for Yukhei.
It was no secret that the boy was a very out going and upbeat individual. It was just that not everyone got to see a different side of him that his team did.

Now, yes he was cocky, and yes he wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, but he meant really well and was always there for anyone who needed him. He was constantly staying after practice. It didn't matter how late it was. Whether it was to help coach with match work or cleaning up the different bodily fluids that were leftover from that days activities. He's cleaned up enough blood, spit, and what he really hopes is sweat to never dog on anyone with a custodial job, he's got mad respect for those people. He'd also hang back if someone needed some more one-on-one practice, or even if they just needed someone to talk to.

Yukhei was a team player, and he firmly believed that the key factor to being a good leader was listening and helping your teammates, and that's exactly what he did. He was constantly checking in on the others to make sure they were eating well, sleeping enough, or how their last quiz went. Some were weirded out by how much he cared, but others were quite grateful. It was nice knowing you had someone that you looked up to looking out for you.

"Alright boys, you know the rules. Don't play dirty just cause there's no refs, I'm lookin at you Choi," coach said placing the whistle between his lips and pointing at the boy infront of Yukhei. "Wong, go easy on him, I don't need anyone gettin hurt before the season starts," coach added, giving him a knowing look. It was true, sometimes, Yukhei just forgot his own strength and would go overboard. No one on the team knew of the incident. That's because he swore to never let anyone ever find out. It only happened once, and he swore to never speak or think of it again. But, somehow it always found a way to invade his thoughts. Most of the time they appeared a night causing all thoughts of sleep to dissipate.

With a deep breath the coach raised his hands.
The whistle sounded and Choi immediately threw himself towards Yukhei.

This obviously wasn't the first time the two had opposed one another, so Yukhei had learnt over time how the other male liked to sparr. He always did the same thing. All Yukhei had to do was tire him out enough that he could get on top of him.
Yukhei allowed Choi to get on top and work him onto his back as he began to attempt to pin him to the mat. After a few more boring minutes for Yukhei, he felt his opponent begin to tire out and his pressure on the latter was giving out. Taking the opportunity, Yukhei wasted no time in flipping their positions so that he was on top with Choi in a headlock. Flailing his arms around, Choi instinctively tapped out and the match was over.
Immediately hopping off and offering his hand out, Yukhei hauled the other male up and slapped his back.

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