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"We hadn't planned on telling you all this until much later, but it seems plans have changed."

Dr. Lee and Mr. Kim stood in front of the group of trainees, their expressions grave and anxious. They knew with the severity of previous events, they had to tell them of what a few of their fellow trainees had seen. It was only right.

"First, we'd like to say that we are very pleased with how your training has gone so far. You all should be very proud."

The group all smiled, a sense of pride sitting in the air. Though it had only been a few months, the trainees had gained incredible achievements. They knew it would take a lot longer to master their powers, but the boys were willing to put in the work.

"But, let's not forget the reason we are here."

At Mr. Kim's words, the rooms atmosphere darkened.

The real reason they were here was to keep the Earth and everyone on it safe. Their families, their friends, each other.

"We told you all that we were trying to make contact with the beings, and it seemed for a while that we were having no luck. Until now."

Two trainees felt their hearts sink, while another had the growing feeling of guilt in his tummy.

Jaemins eyes stayed glued to the floor. He could feel a pair of irises burn into the side of his face, but he couldn't bring himself to return the gaze.

He should've been happy, ecstatic that he wasn't as crazy as others had said he was, but he just couldn't. He couldn't bring himself to boast, he just hung his head.

"Now has anyone else see anything out of the ordinary these past few days?" Dr.Lee scanned the group is kids, his eyes widening when his daughter hesitantly raised her hand.

"Sooyoung... what did you see?"

The girl took a deep breath, her face heating at the sudden attention, "there was a creature that chased me home last night..."

Before Dr. Lee could open his mouth, Mr. Kim spoke. "What did the creature look like, Sooyoung?"

Sooyoung fiddled with her fingers, trying her best to not stutter as she spoke. "It was tall, had gold eyes... could fucking run-

"Language, Sooyoung."

"Sorry." The girls shoulders dropped.

"Are you sure? Do you think you could have imagi-"

"I know what I saw. It chased me when I came home from the gym... it ran until I locked it out of the gate. Then it just disappeared into thin air..."

Everyone listened intently as the girl spoke, no one knowing exactly what to say.

"Did the creature grab you? Scratch you?" Mr. Kim rushed out. Sooyoung shook her head.

"Well, all that matters now is that you're safe." At that, the girl took a deep breath, her mind wandering to what could've happened if she hadn't been as fast as she was.

Mr.Kim looked to Dr.Lee, "They're smarter than we thought...they've found two of them now, and who knows who else they've been watching."

"Watching us?"

Dr. Lee nodded, "they could be, and the two that attacked you two," he looked at Sooyoung and Jaemin, "were sent per request. Those beings don't have minds of their own, they have specific orders to follow."

Jaemins heart sank, "ok... I can understand Sooyoung being tracked, no offense-" The boy looked to the girl as she shook her head and smiled, "none taken."

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