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"Are you sure you can't come with us? It's a Friday night!"

Sooyoung unzipped her back pack and began piling her books into her locker.

"Yeah, I'm sure Chan. I told you guys I'd be busy on Monday's, Wednesday's, and Friday's from now on. I'm sure I'm free tomorrow though."

The boy that stood behind her sighed.
"Okay, but you better pull through, I've been having to deal with Yerin and Minhyuck by myself these past few days."

Sooyoung turned to the boy while shutting her locker. She gave him an overly dramatic pout, tilting her head to the side.
"You poor poor thing. It's not like I've been gone for months. It's been a few weeks Chan."

The boy rolled his eyes before turning to walk down the hall along side his friend. "It's felt like months," he mumbled.

"What? You know I don't hear well Chan."

"Nothing, just get your ass to my house on Saturday. Seven sharp, don't be late lee." With that, Chan turned to his left, making a swift exit.

Sooyoung shook here head while walking down the quiet corridor. It was after school hours so the halls were pretty much empty, seeing as most kids would want to leave as soon as possible on a Friday. The girl didn't mind the quiet, if anything she quite enjoyed it. Sooyoung cherished her alone time, especially now since the new additions to her life.

Since joining the company, which sooyoungs parents had explained as AlphaGate Cooperations, her life hasn't  been all that different. For herself at least.

She couldn't really speak for the others, seeing as they had been injected and she hadn't. She noticed small changes in the boys she personally knew, which wasn't many.

(She had spoken to maybe five of them, not counting Yuta.)

The others either being too focused, too uninterested in her, or just plain scary. It was mainly Yuta who Sooyoung monitored as his body physically changed. It had only been a few weeks but the Japanese boy already had much sharper and prominent attributes, not to mention his skill level

Losing track of time, Sooyoung had already reached the far east side of campus, where she saw a group of familiar boys standing. They were waiting on the sidewalk for a car, the same ride that she herself would soon have to squeeze into with them.

She knew their faces, but their names just sat on the tip of her tongue. She watched from afar as the boys laughed and joked with one another, not wanting to interrupt or intrude. She still felt like an outsider amongst the boys, seeing as most of them kind of got along.

(She knew not all of them did though, Yuta was keeping her in the drama loop.)

Feeling awkward, Sooyoung reached into her bag and grabbed her ear buds. She slipped the snug devices into her ears before hitting the shuffle button on her playlist. She slowly moved her body around, kicking at a small pebble that sat near her right heel. It wasn't until the song began to change and the few seconds of silence ensued that Sooyoung heard a voice call for her.

The girl whipped her head up, almost too fast, before she came face to face with one of the boys. She knew him of course, but his name was just not in there. She felt awful. Really, she did.

"Why are you standing over here?"

Well that was a rude question.

Sooyoung scrunched her face in confusion, her mind instantly going to defend herself and her innocent actions. "um... waiting for the ride? Why? can I not do that?"

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