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"These photos are great," Mr. Kim mumbled with a little surprise in his voice, as he filtered through the carousel of shots some of the boys had taken during the stakeout. They were able to catch Yo Sangki, and his friends picking up a shipment of  Neurocaine.

"He's bringing it to a man named Son Yejun, he's the biggest dealer in the area. The police have been trying to catch him for years, and we believe he and Yo Sangki have some kind of agreement." Mr. Kim motioned to a new profile on the screen in the meeting room.

It showed a middle aged, gruff male with dark eyes. His rap sheet was long, having already been in prison before on separate charges.

"We'll need one of you to go undercover. We know where he deals and the police are ready to work with us." Dr. Lee said turning off the screen, before turning to the agents. "If we take him down, we might be able to convince him to give up some information on Yo Sangki."

"I'll do it," Sooyoung said.

"What?!" Yuta exclaimed, everyone's eyes snapping to him.

Sooyoung froze, the boys outburst making her question her offer. This also being the first time the boy had spoken to her since their fight. He'd never want to be in the same room unless they absolutely had to be. "I said I'd do it," she reiterated, regaining her composure.

"But what if they know it's you! They work with Yo Sangki. It's too risky," Yuta argued, looking to Dr. Lee for agreement.

"What's your problem?" Sooyoung snapped, slamming her hands down into the meeting room table.

"Any of us could go and do it, but you with the biggest target in your back decide to offer! Why do you insist on putting yourself in danger?!"

"Because that's my job? What do you do?" She spoke with an icy tone, eyes narrowing on him. A silent standoff ensued, before Mr. Kim stepped in.

"Ok you two, that's enough," he started with a small chuckle, "If Sooyoung believes that she is capable, then she is more than welcome to be in the field for this one."

"Thank you, Sir." She gritted out, narrowed eyes never leavening Yuta's.

"But, at the same time, I agree with him. You definitely cannot go in alone, so Mr. Nakamoto will accompany you. If that's alright with him."

"I'd be happy to, Sir."

The low grunts coming from the girl as she hit the dummy echoed in the empty practice room. It was late, way too late for anyone to have the energy to do this, but Sooyoung wasn't tired. She was fired up, a mixture of annoyance, anger, and something else she wasn't familiar with. As Sooyoung shook out her arms, a noise caused her to turn around. She eyed up the boy who had just entered the practice room.

"Taeyong had asked me to bring you dinner, but when I went to your house I saw that you weren't there. Figured you'd either be here or at your parents house."

Sooyoung turned her head to avoid him seeing her face, eyes looking out at the lit city. As much time as she spent in this room, she never bothered to look out the window that made up the wall. The gym was up a good thirty floors, giving a beautiful view of the city below.

"Tell Taeyong I appreciate it, but I'm not hungry."

"Well you will be when you're done, so it's on your back patio when you get home." Jaehyun watched as the girls shoulders dropped.

"Thank you," was all she mumbled before getting back on the mat.

"You shouldn't over work yourself, your mission is tomorrow. You should probably head home and get some rest."

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