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Sooyoung didn't believe in fairytales.

Her parents would never read her those overly fantasized bedtime stories, or push her to dress up as her favorite character for Halloween.

Of course she'd heard how all of her friends were going to grow up to be a princess, or find a potion that would turn them into an unworldly being, but Sooyoung never saw the appeal. Not to mention all the talk of space and what was up there.

The thought of their possibly being a whole different world beyond our own was way to confusing, but she still saw the marketing aspects from all the movies, television shows, and even conventions. There were plenty of people who bought into it.

But this was ridiculous.

"So you mean to tell us," a boy on the other end that Sooyoung knew to be Johnny, started, "that you dragged us all down here because there are aliens?" His nose scrunched, his brain trying to process the information, "I'm sorry, but I'm going to need more proof than that."

Sooyoung looked at the boy, nodding her head slightly. She understood his reasoning, there was no proof of anything out there, and if there was, how had no one else seen anything.

While thinking, Sooyoung couldn't help but feel someone's eyes burning into her skin. At first thinking it was one of the boys at the table, she began to scan her surroundings.

Taking a good look at everyone around her, she couldn't help but stop and stare. Damn, they were all very attractive, did you have to meet a certain criteria to have a superpower? They all looked to be straight out of a movie or a drama. Maybe a boy band?

The calling of her name snapped her out of her trance. She looked up at the man and woman standing on the other end of the table. The man began to talk while his wife just smiled. Sooyoung couldn't help but squint, trying to get a better look at the woman, she looked so familiar.

"As I was saying," Mr.Kim started, " I know you might be a little uncomfortable with all of these bo-,"

Sooyoung was quick to chide in at his accusation. "I'm not, they don't bother me," she crossed her arms over he chest, she didn't need the "boys" talk, it didn't matter who they were.

Mr.Kim nodded his head, "good, as long as you are comfortable, we can move along with this." He turned to his wife and she smiled up at him. "Sorry," a new voice spoke up, "but get on with what?" The young boy at the end of the table looked visibly shaken, Sooyoung felt bad for him.

"Well, if you all would like," Mrs. Kim clasped her hands together in front of her, "we could help you obtain your powers." The whole room became silent, but there was an underlying tension that everyone could feel. Slowly, everyone started nodding their heads. Hell, if they had been dragged down to some random building in the middle of downtown, they damn well better find out their powers.


They had to take two elevators up to a secured access floor. The ride up felt long, and Sooyoung was having a hard time not fidgeting. She was anxious, not of having powers, but what they might do to her. She couldn't say she never felt a sense of electricity running through her, or had something out of the ordinary happen to her, but she always just assumed it was nothing.

But now here she was, on her way to find out what element was truly coursing through her veins. The machine dinged as the elevator doors opened. It was a long hallway heavily guarded by agents. Everyone stepped out and began to make their way to the double doors at the end of the corridor. Once all together again, Mr.Kim turned around and smiled brightly at the group of kids.

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