She made a noise through her mouth and I immediately shot my head back. I stared at her until she spoke but I pitied her because she looked alarmed at my sudden expression. The Imperial Concubine looked too innocent to be cracking up jokes and insulting others, to be honest. There was a dash of kindness in her, I could feel it. 

       Maybe it was peer pressure. 

        "... Sister, I apologize for my reckless behaviour," she said, almost in a whisper tone. "I promise you it will not happen again. I was too cocky, I wasn't in the right mind. Of course, it is ultimately my fault, so please forgive me."

        "I forgive you. I signed up for this and had to face the competitive environment and..." I cleared my throat, slightly tilting my head down to look at her. I've never had a conversation like this before, or even have heard a conversation like this before. A bully learning from their mistakes and having the courage to apologize in a short timespan was rare. Every time I spoke, she waited five seconds to reply. I felt slightly uncomfortable in the midst of this conversation. 

        The concubine was fidgeting with her hanfu but stopped and shook her head. "No! It-It's not your fault... It is mine. The harem should never be competitive and you were right to punish me. Thank you for the ointment, Lady Ying Yue, you were kind to offer that to me."

        "No worries," I said hastily before making my way back to my chamber. I itched the back of my head before entering.

        "Milady," my maids whispered. 

         Guan Shu hurriedly came over to hold my arms and looked terrified. "Oh, milady! You handled it so great out there! You took the palace rumours and"—Guan Shu balled up her fist and struck up—"stuck it up every gossiper's butt!" 

        The other maids widened their eyes at Guan Shu's behaviour, but Hua Er chuckled while trying to hide her bright smile. With me, I laughed. Her sudden demeanour changed; she was more youthful and was less lady-like. I liked it.

        I embraced her, still giggling at what she said. "You know I could never cower away from them! And, what palace rumours?"

        Again with the awkward silence. The atmosphere changed and all five women standing in my room were gazing at each other while keeping their mouths shut. It was aggravating that they think that I can't handle the things the harem puts me through. If I can handle stuck-up customers at a shift at McDonald's, I can guarantee I can handle anything put out to me... Except for the unfortunate event of jail time the Emperor decided to make me go through. 

        "I can handle it, just tell me before I get mad," I said bluntly while turning my back against them to look at the mirror. I bored my eyes at my reflection as I waited for someone brave to speak up. 

        Indeed, Hua Er was the one who spoke up. After all, she was my lady-in-waiting and my close friend. I leaned my head to the left to catch a glance of Hua Er nodding at my youngest maid. Hua Er's eyes drifted towards my reflection now. "They said you are a soft, nice concubine... Never stuck-up, never—"

        "The important parts please." I exhaled. 

         Hua Er never deserves my incivility but my aggravated self got the best of me.

        "Right, uh," she spoke. "They said you were too soft. Easily to harass and push around because you won't fight back."

        I scoffed. "They behave like I haven't fought assassins and saved the Emperor once. If they want, I can kick—"

        "Alright," Chen Xi gently patted my shoulder. "I know it's—"

        "Don't baby me," I shrugged her hand away before standing up from my chair. "I need some time alone. You may all leave."

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