The Introduction

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The beginning-1/6

(Opening credits start to roll)

( Late evening. Sunset. cold and sharp colors.
Jack is on a large bridge by his bike.)

( Jack feels nothing but pain. Haunted by screams of the past that still echo within the walls of his skull. They are deafening, stabbing and piercing through his cells; tearing him apart from within. The disturbance is feeding on itself to grow inside him like a tumor.
He tries to stomach the pulsing agony as the wind brushes strongly against his face. The vehicles fly by. Their sounds seem to fade away slowly. Faint. Irrelevant. Now all he hears is his own heartbeat. He feels like he can almost understand it; the rhythm of the loud explosions in his chest. It doesn't take him too long to learn that they are the cries for freedom. For salvation.

He unconsciously floats closer to the edge. his vision widens. He can see the long stretch of the bridge railings, The infinite sky, The violent waves, and The great height of the pillars supporting the structure- All in the same picture.
At this point, he is weeping miserably. Silently. He feels a force pushing him into the scene. Or... pulling him? calling him? Promising him?
A voice of concern- one that he hadn't heard in a very long time.

Before he realizes it, He is standing on the railings. The voices are now yelling louder. He shivers. It is cold. Maybe not. The clouds cover the sun. It gets dark and grey. Everything loses color. The more he thinks about it- the harder it is to make the choice. The longer he waits- the noisier it gets. So he pushes through it. Jack takes the step. His final step. He jumps off.
He glides through the wind. He involuntarily stretches his arms. The air is attacking him. Trying to stop him. But there is no way it can overcome the weight of his misery. the opposite forces battle it out while He approaches closer to grinding teeth of the water with every passing second. The turmoil is at its peak during this very short interval. But it seems longer. Probably because for him- It is the rest of his life before he is swallowed. He closes his eyes and drops in.

Cutting through the surface. it probably hurt his body. But he didn't feel it. It was just a big shock, As he traveled from one world to another. The splash. The bubbles buzz like bees all over his body. Harmless. But scary. The sound of currents pushing against each other. the last set of sounds that he is ever going to hear. He is decelerated to a halt. Then he continues to fall. He can feel his body descend. He can already feel his body losing its connection with his brain. He has already let go. He can't detect his physical presence anymore. all he feels is weightlessness. Like his existence. a void. Nothing. Who is going to care? What are they miss? What is he going to miss? He can see the sunlight from above- getting less brighter. His vision is blurry. He feels the pressure of the water building up all over him like a comforting embrace, hugging him tighter. The physical feeling only seems indescribable. You can only feel it once during your lifetime. The final release. The bottom of the glass. All of the heat slowly being sucked. His consciousness shrinks inside him. Opposite to how the venom of the snake spreads throughout the body. He can see wonderful things. He sees everything. His entire life, Flash...and soon; he was almost nothing.)

( His body Continues to fly downwards.)

(A muffled voice ringing softly in the background. getting louder and more audible as the scene cuts to Blackout.)

Hi...ah. I ....(cries) was wrong. So terribly wrong. And I am sorry. that I failed you. i....just.I hope that I can make it up to you.
I only did what I did, not because I had to, but because there wa- there is no other way. It was fate. It couldn't be dodged. No matter what.
I know what you are thinking. You have a lot of questions. You are scared. But you are doing better. It will get better. Trust me. I know. You have come a long way. Because I have been there. Myself.
I know
you have searched for the message. This message. And I also know that It was a tough run. But I hope you found it. And I hope you never forget it.

(Static buzzing)

I know that you are confused. I would be too. Actually, I was.

But before I tell you anything about the end or the beginning of my story,
There is one more thing I want you to do.

(Jeff is on a stage. There are spotlights directed at him. He is holding a mic. He stands at the tip of his toes, filled with energy. He is expressive. He is confident and knows what he is saying.)

Jeff-Question. Question everything. Feel free to flow in the direction of the unknown. Bet you do it every time. In the shower. In bed at night when you just wish to sleep and not think of what the universe is expanding into if there is nothing else but the universe. Some people are just curious. Some strive to hunt for answers. The world. The existence of everything. Life. The greatest mystery that ever was, is, and probably will be. The power to be alive and to feel and be an independent unexplainable phenomenon.

(Jack walking down the street. It is Winter but there is no snow. Faded lightning. Jack stops to stare at something along the sidewalk. He is Wonder-struck, slightly scared along with concealed astonishment.
Street art on a wall. Weird and abstract. Like twisted waves of cloud or smoke of shades: purple and blue. They blend together. Perfectly. Everything about it is intriguing. It seems to pop out and look contrasting against the dull surroundings. jack takes a picture of it with his camera. It looks Colorful and trippy. Beautiful definitely. fixed shot of the wall. Jack's eyes slightly widen. Reflection of the painting in his eyes; Seems to move. Hardly noticeable )

He thought it was extraordinary. It always amazed him.

( Random short clips. As jack makes his way through the city. people indulged in their lives. The beauty of the urban spaces. The bridge. The lights. The streets. The streets. From tall buildings. Small shops.)

He did not want to look at the world as anyone else. He could not even if he wanted to. The same goes for the rest of us. That's because we see what we choose to see.

(Jack is walking among a large busy crowd. He is in wonder, surprise, and engrossment. He stands out from the rest of the people. Focused shot of him. dull washed colors. Jack Looks up at the sky . evening. bright, saturated, and vibrant clouds.)

I think that affects us more than we think.

It is strange. enclosed in the same space. But passing through our senses and our mental perception and cognition it becomes unsimilar, altered.

(Night. the metro station. A man performing ballet on the platform. Jack admires him. His skill to move with such elegance. Jack Takes the metro. shoots the city lights from the window of the moving freight using his camera.)

We always perceive this world through the same filter. Ours. in a way, we create the world we live in. All different and vivid. Making us special to ourselves. Guess we are. We are unique.

(The clips of different people, countries, cultures, animals, beautiful natural sceneries, the earth, the clips of galaxies and supernovas, clusters of stars, and the observable universe)

Maybe the only thing we all share is uniqueness. So that means: being unique is just not unique? There are more people in this world than we can count. And much more creatures that possess life and an independent indifferent mind. The universe is too vast. Each of us even with our unique grasp and judgment may be insignificant to the limitless cosmos.

(Resume to the clip of jeff speaking on the mic. He pauses. He means real talk.)

Jeff- true. We are all little specs of dust. it is not wide to say that we are almost nothing compared to everything that there is. And maybe anything we say or do doesn't matter as much.
but.....each of us might possess something that stretches far greater.

(Clip of a kid sketching. A painter painting. A group of designers. A chef finalizing a fancy dish. mass manufacturing. A time lapse of urbanization. A concert. A rocket taking off into space. Focus on the reflection of Jack's face on the monitor showing a view of the galaxy)

Our dreams. Our ideality and imagination. They are boundless. We can see the edge of the universe even if it may not exist. We can believe. We can create. We can control. We are the masters of our own minds. Our own world. And this universe may be insignificant against that power we all have.

(Jack stares at his reflection on the monitor)

I never really thought about all this until recently. Until I had to.

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