Cameron Dallas Imagine #56

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A/N: sorry i havent been active for like 18 years. Ive just had alot of work to do for school, and alot problems too. But i decided to update today because today is a special day: because im 7 months clean! Iam actually so proud of myself because i would never think i would actually survive during the summer, but i did<3 and im so freakin' happy my scars are actually getting better! Thank you for all of you who said i can stay strong, and they supported me threw thick and thin..lots of love xox


"Babe, Baby, Sweety, Baayybeee!" Whines Cameron, poking your sides trying to 'wake you up' because he tought you were asleep. But really you were trying to relax because you were on your month.

"Babeee, wake up! (Y/N)!!!" He jumps on the bed.

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT CAMERON?!" You shout. With that he stop, and got down from the bed.

"Wow, did someone not sleep well last night?" He giggles.

"Just shut up, and leave me alone" you mumble underneath your breath.

"Hey, come on, whats wrong?" He asks.

"Nothing..." you sigh.

"No seriously (Y/N) whats up" he says. You sigh again.

"Do you really wanna know?" You ask, he nods quickly.

You take a long sigh. "Im in my month"

He gives you the 'oh' look. "Sorry..." he apologizes

"Its ok. You didnt know" you smirk. Soon he gets up, and walks to the door.

"Where you going?" You ask. Hoping he would stay, so you can cuddle with him and hope he would make you feel better.

"To the store, to buy all your favorite candy, chocolates, some heating pads for your stomach. And after that im going to rent your favorite movies" he smiles, as he walks to you and kisses your forehead.

"Ill be back in less than 30 minutes to take care of you beautiful" he whispers.

"Have i ever told you, your such an amazing boyfriend" you say. He nods.

"I love you" you say.

"I love you more" he responds, as he pecks your lips softly.

Sorry it was short.

Hope you all beautiful amazing people enjoyed(:  i made this one because like im in it, and i wish i had a boyfriend who did this to me whenever i was in it. But thank you so much for the amazing means the world! I love you all very much xx

Till next time beautifuls...

Stay Strong I Love You <3


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