Prom; Aaron C.

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*Sigh* Prom Was comming, And Yet as always you don't have a date. Everyone already had a date but you, The only person that you've always wanted to go out with was. Aaron. Aaron Carpenter. He so Cute, His smile, His personality and everything. But he will never ask me out, You thought. The bell rang, And you went to Science and you sat down in your seat.

*Aaron's P.O.V*

"She's So Beautiful. I'd Kill to go to the prom with her. But knowing how beautiful she is, I Bet she already has a date. But it dosent hurt to try?" Aaron thought to himself. Aaron got a piece of paper out and started writting something, When he was done, He made the piece of paper into a paper airplane.

"Mr. Carpenter what is that?" The teacher stops the class to know what's Aaron doing.

"Oh! umm..Nothing" Says Aaron Getting red. The teacher grabs the paper airplane and opens it

"Ahh! I see, A Note? Is it?" The teacher asks

"Yes Ma'am" Aaron Responds.

"Read It!!" A random kid shouts.

"Please No!!" Aaron refuses the teacher not to read the letter to the whole class.

"Dear Y/N, To be honest I've been liking you since the first day of school, And well..I just wanted to know..If you'd like to go to prom with me? -Aaron" The whole class awed, And looked straight at you.

*Your P.O.V*

I Was so shock that Aaron, Aaron Carpenter was asking me to prom. Is this a joke? Is this a drean? You thought.

"Well?" A random kid asks you.

"I'd love Too!" You say with a huge smile. Everyone cheers, and Aaron's Face just glowd up. He got up and went up to you and gave you a hug and kiss on the cheek. You two went to prom a few days later, And both of you had a great time. But after the prom Aaron also asked you out and soon both of you were official, You seriously couldn't have asked for a better perfect boyfriend.

**Hope You Enjoyed! Thank You So Much For The 2k Reads! It means a lot! Thank you for reading my Lovelies**

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