Cameron Dallas Imagine (Request) #51

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Requested by @emma-hanson

iam sorry i didn't updated it yesterday. Just alot of things on my mind ._.

A/n: Also in this imagine pretended that Cameron is the same age as Nash.(:

(*So it can make sense!*)


"Hey Emma! All of the guys are comming over" shouts your brother Nash from downstairs.

"Alright!" you shout back.

You got so excited that the guys were comming over, especially because Cameron. You and Cameron have had feelings for each other for a while, but you two never made it 'official' because Nash and Hayes never approved on you two dating.

You hopped into the shower, you took about half an hour. You got out, and changed into some white/red floral leggings, a short shirt showing a bit of your stomach skin (not a lot) and a black leather jacket, and straighten your hair and finally you put on some perfume. You were ready to go, you maybe were over reacting, but you wanted to impress Cameron.

You heard noises downstairs, you quickly went down and saw the guys talking sitting on the couch.

"Hey guys!" you smile, taking one last step on the stairs.

"Hey Emma" they all smiled and greeted you with hugs.

"Hey Cameron" you smile, greeting him last.

"Hi Emma" he hugs you so tightly.

"I missed you" he whispers.

"I've missed you to" you reply.

You two go to the kitchen, and just start catching up on what's new. You can see from the corner of your eye, that Nash was looking at you both. But you didn't care, you just wanted some little alone time with Cameron and just talk.

"I really missed you Emma, how you been?" he smiles, holding your hand.

"I've been great, but without you boring.." you shrug.

"yourself?" you add.

"pretty much the same as you. I missed you, and your smile, your voice, your laugh, your everything" smiles Cameron, as he leans in you slowly.

"*Clears throat* Excuse me?" you hear Nash's voice.

"Shit" you mumble to yourself.

"what are you guys doing?" he asks.

"just talking" you say.

"well didn't seem like talking to me!" he says.

"calm down Nash. We weren't doing anything wrong!" you shout.

"than why were you about to kiss him! You know Emma you aren't supposed to be with Cameron! He's my best friend and your my little sister" he states.

"and no one is to good for my little sister" Nash finishes.

"Look Nash, i love Emma so much. She's the most amazing, beautiful girl I've ever met, i know that your afraid that she will get hurt. But trust me, if she's with me, she'll never get hurt. Ill cherish and protect her like she's the only girl in the world" he smiles at you.

All you can do is smile.

"At least give us one chance?" he asks.

Nash looks down, while scratching his head.

"hurt her, and you'll regret it" he points at Cameron.

"thanks man!" says Cameron hugging Nash. You were so happy.

"aww, thank you so much Nash! your the best big brother anyone can have" you giggle, hugging him.

"yeah, i know" he laughs.

You smile at Cameron than hugging him.

"I'm glad were finally together" he whispers.

"Me too" you smile. As he pecked your lips, everyone in the room 'awed' and cheered that you two were official.<3

Hope you enjoyed that! (: Sorry it was late! I just had a lot of things my mind...I just want to go back to Mexico tbh, and not worry about nothing or nobody.

well till next time my beautifuls

#StayStrong I love you ♡


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