Cheesy Pick Up Lines

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A/n: Some of these will be cute and just sayin.

QOTD -"If i made a youtube account, and i did covers on it. Would any of you see it?"



"Do you work at subway?"

"No, why?"

"Because you just gave me a foot long"

(A/n: omfggg..haha)


"They say that disney world is the happiest place on earth. Clearly, they've never been in your arms"


"On a scale of 1 to 10: you're a 9 and im the 1 you need"


"Do you have a name? Or can i just call you mine?"


"Is their a rainbow today? Oh! Its because i just found my treasure"


"Are you an alien? Because you just abducted my heart"


"Did we have class together? I couldve sworn we had chemistry"

Jack G:

"Your lips look lonely, would they like to meet mine?"

Jack J:

"Can i borrow a kiss? I promise ill give one back!"


"Its a good thing that i brought my library card, because im checking you out!"

Hope you enjoyed these cheesy pick up lines! :) hehe, cheesy right?

Do you know a great pick up line? :)

Till next time my beautifuls...

#StayStrong I love you <3


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