Jack Gilinsky Imagine (Request) #30

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Requested by @Princess__Misfit. Hope you enjoy! x

You and Jack have been really great friends since elementary. And now you two were seniors at high school. Today you two were going shopping, because prom was comming up. You didn't have a date, but you and Jack decided to go with friends. You got a text from Jack "Heey! I'm here(:" you respond "Ok be down in a bit(:" you got your purse, and went to Jack's car and you both went to the store.

*At the store*

You picked out like 5 dresses. You went into the changing room and put on the first dress. Than came the second, third, than fourth. By the fifth one, you were in love. It was a beautiful light blue dress. You get out of the dressing room.

"So Jack..What do you think?" you smile.

"Oh wow..Nia, You look-You look beautiful." he smiles.

"Yeah, I really lovee this one, ill get it" you smile, looking at yourself in the mirror.

*Jack's POV*

Nia looked gorgeous in that dress. Shoot, she will look gorgeous in anything. She's so beautiful, i never can stop looking at her. I just want her to be mine already. But she will never like me back..Were just friends.

You payed for the dress, and Jack drove you home. It was awfully quite all the drive home.

"Jack. Are you alright?" you ask. He shakes his head. You just thought it was weird Jack being quite, he's never quite. He dropped you off at home.

"Well see you later Jack. Can't wait! Bye!!" you wave to him goodbye.

"Me neither, well Bye Nia!" he smiles and drives away.

You couldn't wait for prom to come, it was just 4 days away. But you did wish you had a date, i mean going with friends is fun and all. But a date, is more fun and romantic. While you were sitting I'm your bed texting. You heard music outside your balcony, sounded like "Wanted" by Hunter Hayes. You get up and look outside your balcony, and see Jack singing. So beautifuly and softly. All you can do is smile, but than running threw your mind was "Why would Jack do this?" he finished off, by saying/shouting.

"Nia, i know this might sound crazy and all but. I like you, a lot. I've liked you for a while, and i want to go to prom with you, as more than friends. If you know what i mean." he shrugs a bit. You were in complete shock, you never would think, your best friend would actually have a crush on you. Yeah, you gotta admit you've had a crush on Jack for a while too. But you never thought he'd actually like you back, or you wouldn't have a chance with him.

"Jack. I-I, I'd love too!" you smile. Jack's face was priceless, he was smiling so big you ran downstairs and outside, you give Jack a tight hug.

"I thought you'd never ask, to be honest." you say.

"I'd never would think you'd ever say yes! I thought you only liked me just as a friend." he says.

"I've liked you for along time Jack." you smile, as he leans to you and crashes his lips to yours.

"You have no idea how long i wanted to do that." he says, pecking your cheek and hugging you again.

**Hoped you enjoyed! Sorry if it kinda sucked, Also sorry i haven't been updating. I have school, testing and drama and stupid stuff, I swear. But sorry! Ill update soon! xx**


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