Always you; Taylor C.

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Today you were gonna hang out with your best friend Taylor. You've known Tay since you two were in 1st grade. You two were very close. Yeah, you gotta admit. You liked him a lot, since both of you were in 8th grade. But you never told anything to him because you just didn't want to ruin the friendship. You got dressed, you put on a pair of skinny jeans, a floral blouse with a jacket, and some open toe shoes, and add some light make up with your hair naturaly down. You heard a knock on the door, you open it to see Taylor. Looking cute as always. You two greet eachother and go get some ice cream at Dairy Queen. You two were talking, a few laughs here and their, But than you just asked him.

"Hey Tay. I never really asked you this, But..Who do you like?"

"Oh..Well she's a very sweet girl, she's really down to earth. She's gorgeous, even i hate the fact that she dosen't believe me every time i tell her! And her smile, Can light up my whole day" he smirks.

You felt your heart break, You felt sadness instantly. You turn your head to the side, Because you felt like crying a bit.

"Are you ok Y/N?" he asks.

"Yeah. I-Umm, I-Im just a bit tired" you nod and shrug putting a little fake smile. While wipping a little tear away from your eye, before Taylor noticed.

While he was driving you home, Half way their it was all dead silence. He just looks down, while he sighed and pulled the car over and turned to you.

"Ok Y/N, You've been quite since you asked me that question. It seemed like you wanted to cry. What's wrong?" he asks worriedly.

"Nothing.." you shake your head.

"Don't you lie to me Y/N, Look at me in the eyes and tell me the truth" he turns your head to you.

"Oh Taylor..Its just that. *Deep breath* I-I-I've liked you for a long time. Ok? And I was just upset that, You like someone else. I-I just should've known that we would never be together" you put your head down, playing with your hands, letting a tear fall from your cheek. Taylor lifts your chin up, looks into your eyes and crashes his lips onto yours, He pulls the kiss apart for a bit.

"You have no idea how long have i wanted to do that." he smirks while kissing you again.

"Taylor-" he cuts you off.

"Y/N, I was describing you! You and you only. I've liked you for a while too" he smiles.

"Me?" you point at yourself.

"Yes you!" he laughs. Wow, you couldn't believe Taylor had the same feelings for you too. This was all a dream come true.

"Now, Would you do me the honors and finally be mine?" he smiles.

"Yes, a thousand times yes!!" you hug him so tightly, while he kisses your cheek.

"I'm glad you're finally mine" he whispers.

"I'm glad I'm finally yours" you reply, while you kiss him passionately.

**Hope you all enjoyed!! Sorry if it sucked, but Thank you so much for all the support. It means a lot! xx**

Remember to follow me on Twitter >>>@ItsMahoneBtw<<<

Also please comment Ideas for my next imagines/preferences I need more!! :D thanksss..

(*I'll give you credit if you do*)


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