What he likes about you

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Cameron : Your smile. He Loves that in any situation you're always smiling.(:

Matthew : Your laugh. Every time you laugh, It effects Matt's in some type of way.

Nash : Your Hair. He loves that you always fix your hair in interesting yet unique hairstyles all the time.

Taylor : Your Eyes. He loves the color, and gets lost in them when he looks at them.

Carter : Your style. He Loves that you always look so beautiful even when its a lazy day! Also when you two go out, you dress up so trendy yet classy.

Aaron : Your personality. He loves that you're fun and bubbly around him. You can always make him laugh, And make his day.

Shawn : Your everything. For him it dosent matter, he loves everything about you. Every little thing, about you is perfection to him.

Jack G : Your kisses. He loves it when you kiss him, especially if he's having a bad day.

Jack J : Your Hugs. He loves your warm - loving hugs that you give him, He feels so much better when you Hug Him, so tightly.

Hayes : Your uniqueness. He loves that you're unique, hes never met a person like you, He thinks you're one of a kind. You're very special to Hayes.

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