Quick Announcement..

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A/N : Hey beautiful's(: How you doing? I hope your doing greaat!! Well i have three announcements that i have today that i just wanted to tell you all ...

First announcement is that the reason why iam not posting a lot, is because as i said before, i don't have service on my phone, so that means yeah i can't update a lot! I'm sorry about that!! :(

The second announcement IS REALLY IMPORTANT SO PLEASE PAY ATTENTION. *FOR SURE IAM NOT GONNA BE ACTIVE THREW OUT, JUNE 8TH - JUNE 28TH OR 29TH* because I'm going to Mexico! YEEE!! So yeah they don't have any signal for my type of phone ): sucks a lot, but ill try and update once in a while when i go to the library over their? Sounds good? (:

Third and final announcement. Umm, a lot of you guys are kinda sad that I'm ending this book real soon! So like uhh yeah, do you guys really want me to end this book,? Yaa know i can still go on if you'd like, I can still do my fanfics and do this. I just thought about it more and i felt like i was being selfish and i wasn't thinking of YOU guys! So comment below or message me if you'd like for me to continue this book..(: If i don't get any than ill understand.

Thank you so much for your attention.

Till next time my beautifuls ✌
#StayStrong I Love Youu ... ♡


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