Cameron Dallas Imagine (Request) #33

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Requested by @JC_Lover1. Hope ya'll enjoy!

"Hey VienA, go get some shaving cream and put some in your hand, and smack cam Cameron" whisperd Nash to you. You nod and go to the bathroom and get some in your hand. When you came out all the boys were around Cameron's bed, he was sound asleep. Nash gave you the signal. You nod and shout

"SMACK CAM!!" while smacking his cheek. He got up quick, with his sleepy eyes and messy hair. Everyone started laughing their head off, because he looked so funny.

"Oh my gosh, that's so last year guys!" says Cameron, wiping the shaving cream off.

"Sorry, we were bored. And VienA did it anyways" laughs Nash.

"Yeah, because you told me too." you laugh a bit. While Cameron went into the bathroom to clean himself up, all the boys left and you decided to help Cameron clean up the room because you did do that mess.

"Thanks for the help VienA, but does Nash mind?" he asks looking down. You freeze a bit, looking at him.

"What do you mean?" you ask.

"Ohh, its because-" he stops a bit.

"Aren't you and Nash dating?" you give him a surprise look.

"No? Why would you think that." you ask.

"Because. It just looks like it, that's all." he says.

"Oh, but were not. Were just really close friends. That's all" you smile.

"Oh thank god" he whispers while looking down a bit. You just give him a "tf you looking at hoe" look (*I'm sorry i just had too. Idek*)

You were so confused. Why would Cameron ask you this? You tell yourself.

"Hey VienA. Can i tell you something?" he asks, getting close to you.

"Anything." you shrug a bit.

"Ok, I feel like its time to tell you this because i can't keept it in no more but-" he cuts off and takes a deep breath.

"I've had feelings for you for along time. Ever since Nash introduced me to you, i was just afraid to tell you..because i dont feel like you like me back." he admits.

You were in complete shock. "Cameron? Liking me?" you thought, all you can do is smile and blush a bit.

"Cameron. I've liked you for a while too, probably more than you think." you giggle.

He just smiled so big, and blushed. "Well, can i ask you something else?" he asks. You nod.

"Will you make me the happiest guy on earth? And be my girlfriend?" he smiles.

"You know the answer! YES!" you shout, as you hug him. He brakes up the hug, while his hands on your waist and he looks into your eyes, and kisses you so passionate. All you and him can do is smile during the kiss. You couldn't be more happy to have Cameron as your boyfriend, you know he will treat you right.

**Hope you enjoyed! Sorry if it kinda sucked. Thank you so much for all the support and love I've been getting! Sorry i didn't update for two days, I've been busy. But thank you for reading! xx**


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