Pep rally; Hayes G.

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You were at an after school pep rally, you found a seat on the bleachers. As you were about to sit down, you see this really cute guy sitting down looking at you and smiling at you. You just blush a bit and sit down in the back of him, you thought he was so cute that you snapchated him to your friend but making sure he wasn't looking, you were able to get his side of his face, and you put in the caption,


You kept messaging your friend about him, but when you were, your phone fell by accident infront of the guy, and it was still in the snapchat you sent to your friend (because you saved it)

"Thanks for calling me cutr" the guy said handing you your phone, smiling.
"Oh- I" you were speechless.

"Its okay, I think you're pretty cute too" he smiled. You just blushed.

"I'm Hayes"

"Y/N" You smiled.

"So Y/N, would you like to get something to eat and hang out after the pep rally?" asked, Hayes.

You agreed. So after the pep rally ended, Hayes and you went to hang out. After a few months of knowing eachother you to got so close, that he asked you to be his girlfriend.

Sorry if it wasn't a good one, and the ending sucked ://

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