Cold Coffee; your fave :D

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QOTD - "how old are you guys?"

15 going to 16 in a couple months ://

((Not an original idea btw.))



You've been awake since around 5:40am, you suddenly woke up and you don't know why.

You went into the kitchen, made yourself some hot tea and sat on top of the counter, looking out of the window watching the sun slowly coming up and hoping to fall asleep.

As you felt your eyes getting heavy you felt someone walking towards you, but you didn't pay much attention as you closed your eyes a bit.


You got startled and jumped.

"Oh gosh (y/f/n), you scared me." You say as you put your hand over your chest, and taking a deep breath.

"Sorry," he giggles.

"What are you doing up though?" He questions sitting down next to you on the counter.

You felt instant goosebumps all over your body when he brushed his skin onto yours and placing a piece of hair behind your ear, you had to admit. You've been crushing on (y/f/n) for a couple months now, but you knew you would never have a chance.

"I just woke up, suddenly." You giggle, and shrug. He nods.

"Come here," he says grabs your hand, and helps you off the counter.

"What are you doing?" You question as he goes over to the stereo and plugs his phone to it.

He starts to play "Cold Coffee" by Ed Sheeran, on a low volume enough for both of you two hear.

He wraps his arms around your waist and starts to sway you both,

"She's like cold coffee in the
morning, I'm drunk of lasts
night whisky and coke.
She'll make me shiver without warning,
and make me laugh as if
I'm on the joke.
And you can stay with me, forever.

Well you can stay with me, for now.
Tell me if I'm wrong.
Tell me if I'm right.
Tell me if you need a loving hand,
to help you fall asleep tonight."

As you both sway to the moment of the song you nuzzle your head onto his warm neck, he hums the song while making small patterns in your back.

"(y/f/n)?" You whisper. He looks at you, with his eyes sparkling seeming with happiness.

"Yes?" He smiles.

"Uh," you completely forgot what you were going to say, you just got lost into those beautiful eyes.

He rolls his eyes. "For god sake," he says as he crashes his lips onto yours. All you could do was kiss back.

He slowly pushes away, "you have no idea how long I've always wanted to do that."


I need your guys' help! So like I'm thinking of dying my hair again, but I have no idea what color //: I have it blonde, and a bit of brown on the bottom and I really want to dye it again for the upcoming school year.

My hair is naturally black so if you can help with ideas that'd be great lol.
I'm either thinking a dark green like Kylie Jenner had/has it? Or purple with some white on the bottom :/ idek. Leave some ideas? Hah, thank you xx

I really hope you're doing swell, loves! Smile today, and every other day cuz ur fab and u deserve to be happy :-))


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