Jack Johnson Imagine #48

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You and Jack have been dating for a month now, everything's perfect in your relationship. But the thing is. You guys haven't kissed yet. Weird, yeah but you two are waiting for the right moment.

You were in your room on Twitter, it was around 11:00pm when you got a text from Jack saying

"Hey baby (: Get changed into a swimsuit, I'm taking you too the beach! Be their in 15 minutes'"

You responed. "What? Jack, its 11:00pm! Are you crazy?" you laugh sending him the text.

"Its a surprise for YOU! Come on!"

You sighed. "Fine! Ill be ready in a few!"

You quickly got up and put on your light lavender swimsuit, and a jacket over it.

"I'm here (:" Jack texted you. You went downstairs and out the door, got in Jack's car and drove off to the beach.

When you both arrived, you saw a blanket laid down on the floor, surrounding by some beautiful white roses. You both sit down on the blanket and just eat and talk. After half an hour later, Jack asks you if you want to go into the water, you nod and you both go hand and hand in the water.

You both were having a blast, running all around the water, chasing each other splashing water at each other. But than something occurred to you, you decided to get a bit of wet sand, and you snuck behind Jack and got all his face with wet sand, he turned to you with a priceless face. All you can do is laugh your ass off!

"Your gonna pay for that (Y/N)!" he giggles, as he gets some wet sad too and he starts chasing you!

"NO JACK!" you laugh, as you try and run away from him, but he catches you in his arms, and he smears all the wet sand on your face a bit.

"Eww!" you laugh, wiping the sand off your face.

"Now were even." he smirks.

You roll your eyes. "I guess." you laugh.

You keep cleaning yourself, when you feel his arms on your waist. You look up, meeting with his beautiful blue eyes, you studies your face (Wtf? Haha Did I just really? Lol) He slowly strokes your cheek. You knew exactly were this was going, he than slowly crashes his lips to yours. Fireworks instantly go off, your stomach with butterflies. This was just the perfect kiss, this was a night you'll never forget. ♡

Heyooo My Beautifuls!! :) I hope you enjoyed, sorry if it kinda sucked! Well, iam currently in Seattle waiting for the next flight which is at 7:00pm and its 5:12pm. So yeah i decided to Update because theirs free wifi, so yeaaahh :D

A lot has happend in this 3 hours. I had Starbucks for the very first time, very good! #NewAddiction XD. And i realized, Flying is scary asf (._.) I thought i was gonna die like oh lord! But i kept cool, Yeah so far its been great!! :D Next stop is San Francisco, than wait 8 hours than Mexico!! I'm already exhausted! ): Idk how people do it..

If you'd like to know more about my trip just message me or something because I'm soo bored in this airport. I'm just eating skittels like yeah #TurnUp.. ha

Well till next time my beautifuls...

#StayStrong I love youu ♡


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