Matthew Espinosa Imagine #44

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"Come on Matt, focus!" you tell your boyfriend, as you tried teaching him a few things about dancing, because he has asked if you can teach him.

"Alright fine fine fine." he giggles. As he gets in position again. He started dancing a bit, but than he started spinning you like crazy!

"OH MY GOD MAATTT, I'M GETTING DIZZY..STOPP!" you shout, but you continue and laugh. He than stops, and puts you down.

"I love the way your hair moves in the wind." he gives you a cheesy smile. You giggle a bit. He than gets the remote from his pocket, and plays one of your favorite Austin Mahone songs right now. "All I Ever Need" (*I'm in love with that song. It makes me happy but yet it makes me cry*) He than grabs you by the waist, and your hands around his neck, as you too dance to the song. Slowly and passionately. He than started to whisper some lyrics of the song in your ear.

-"Your all i ever need, baby your amazing your my angel come and save me.-" your eyes teared up a bit.

-"When it comes to you, baby I'm addicted, your like a drug no rehab can fix it. I think your perfect baby even with flaws. You ask me what i like about you, uhh i love it all.-"

Tears streaming down your cheeks, because that's one of your favorite parts of the song. And Matt personaly chose that part just for you.

"Oh Matt. I love you so much." you smile at him, looking into his dark brown eyes.

"I love you too (Y/N)" he continues dancing with you, while he slowly crashes his lips to yours. Now, this kiss was different. It was more passionate and meaningful to you than ever before. ♡ :)

**Hope you all enjoyed that quick imagine.! Sorry i haven't been updating. I dont have service on my phone so i can't update as much, so yeah..Thank you so much for all the support I've been getting! It means the world!! xx. Damnn this book is already up too 200k reads and 1.4k votes¿? :D THANK YOUU SO MUCH :*** JUST THANK YOUU!! Have a great day/night/morning my beautifuls!**

Till next time. #StayStrong I love youu ♡


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